What To Expect Next

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If you've seen in the epilogue's comment section, I'm planning on writing a sequel to this book.

This book will hopefully reflect more on the rehab, as well as how it has changed certain characters personalities and futures.

I can't guarantee that it will be finished any time soon but I can say that it will hopefully start releasing some time after Poison From The Same Vine is completed.

The sequel will hopefully be written better than this book as I made many mistakes with my writing in this one compared to my other works. I'm trying to fix those in the sequel to give you, the audience, a better reading experience.

I think this book will have a sequel and nothing more, and I can confirm that properly when I finish writing it.

Concerning the sequel, I have made a cover, synopsis and part of the prologue. It has taken a while due to a lack of motivation and the fact that I am currently busy with so many other stories, but hopefully I can now focus more of my time on this book.

I hope that the sequel will answer any questions you had about this book. This could mean cliffhangers, personality changes, plot changes: anything.

If you have any questions that you'd like me to answer in the sequel that I may have missed, please just comment in the comment section.

Thank you all for being so supportive and patient with me.

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