A Special Gift

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Winter break had finally arrived and people were eagerly packing for the break and also getting ready for the secret santa.

Except for Kira, who had already gotten the gift for her secret santa. She was walking around the school for a bit. That was until I familiar person came up to her. "DANDELION!" The familiar voice said as they ran up to her. "Kalim, pleasure meeting you here."

"I finally caught up to you." Kalim smiled with his hands behind his back. "Oh?" Kira questioned. "I got you a gift. Even tho we have a secret santa coming up, I still wanted to give you a gift." Kalim said, presenting his gift. Kira took the gift and unwrapped it. Her eyes light up as she grabs the three plushies that were in the box. The plushies were of Lilia, Silver, and Sebek. Now she could have someone close to her.

"Thank you Kalim!" Kira hugged him tightly. "I knew that you like being to safe and comfy."

 "Thank you so much. Now I have company when I stay here for winter break."

"You're staying at school for winter break!?" Kalim exclaimed. "Yes, I have always stayed ever since freshman year." Kira said, hugging the three plushies tightly. "If you ever feel like you need company then stay with me and my dorm. We're staying too."

"Really? And who suggested that you stay."

"Jamil said so and also didn't want me to tell my dorm that it was his idea. Strangely enough I don't really recall telling them. Jamil says it was a headache." Kalim explained. "Jamil you say..." Kira didn't really trust Jamil, despite the two having somethings in common. He always acted strangely around her when she was near Kalim. 

"Anyways I better get back to Scarabia. See ya Dandelion." Kira always loved when Kalim called her by that. "Alright see ya Kalim." Kira held her plushies close to her and departed to Diasomnia.


Once entering Diasomnia, she sees Malleus, Lilia, Silver, and Sebek talking with each other. She decides to scare the two bodyguards like Lilia does. She slowly walks over there, behind both Silver and Sebek. "Boo~"

"Ahh!" Silver and Sebek jumped as the Lilia plushie suddenly came in-between them. Kira giggled as she places the Lilia plushie back in her arms closely. "Rose Thorn, you scared me." Sebek said before all four noticed the three plushies in her arm. "You have a plushie of me, Rose Thorn!?"

"Yes! Kalim gave them to me. They're so adorable." Kira held the plushies tightly in her arms. The three people in question were embarrassed  to see her hug the plushies with such care. "That's nice of Kalim to give them to you, Precious Thorn." Silver said. "Oh also, Reina apologized for hurting my wrist." The four diasomnias were still not that trusting of Reina. "Just make sure that if she hurts you then she'll have to pay the price. Okay, Delicate Thorn." Lilia laughed. "Little Thorn."

"Yes, Malleus?" Kira asked, seeing the dragon approach her. "Are you sure that staying alone here is a good idea."

"I am sure. I've always stayed her alone on winter break ever since freshman." Kira placed one of her hands on Malleus's. She wanted to reassure the worried dragon. 

"Azul invited me to stay at his dorm with ReiRei." Malleus wrapped his hands around Kira's waist, like a dragon protecting what's rightfully theirs. "Be careful around Ashengrotto, okay?"

"I will. No need to worry." Kira placed her head on Malleus's chest. "It's about time for us to go to the secret santa and for you all to leave."

Malleus kissed Kira's forehead. "I'm gonna go visit Leona." Kira said, she managed to escape Malleus's grasp. 

She ran off to Savanaclaw where Leona should be.


Once there, she spots Leona talking to Ruggie. "My love!" Kira yelled, which caught the attention of the lion. "There you are, my kitten." Leona picked Kira up and into his arms. He soon gave her a deep long kiss. "Mmm~." Kira tried to escape the kiss, but was stopped. Leona soon let go, smiling at his cute face. "My cute fae~."

"My my, what a cute nickname you call me." Kira giggled before Leona dropped her down gently. They both giggled as Leona twirled her around. "The herbivore and their pet is staying in Ramshackle."

"Alright then I'll go meet them when they come to restock the fire place." Kira said, smiling at her cute protective lion. "You sure that you don't wanna spend winter break with me?" Leona asked, worried for his little fae. "I am sure, now let's go to the secret santa."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (See shiverfuuka for the secret santa.)

"Kira-senpai!" Grim said, walking to Kira with Yuu close by him. "Why are you still here Kira?" Yuu asked. "I always have stayed here for the winter ever since freshman year."

"Must be pretty lonely." Grim added. "Oh yeah...I guess so." Kira sighed. "Say what are you two doing? I thought you guys had already stocked the fireplace. "We did, but Grim is hungry."

"I see. I can accompany you both while you check the cafeteria." Kira said. "Thanks Kira." Yuu said, smiling at the fae. 


Once they arrived, Scarabian dorm members are seen cooking with Jamil supervising them. "Jamil..." Kira said, with a bit of suspicion. "You don't trust him?" Grim asked. "No, you two better keep a sharp eye on him."

"We will Kira." Yuu said. "I am gonna be going now. See you two around." Kira said, waving goodbye at the two.

To Be Continued....

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