A Secret Best Left Hidden

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Ever since the SDC, Kira has been having trouble hiding her gem. The blot is halfway on her gem now.

She was heading towards one of the gargoyle statues around the school when she was stopped by a familiar person. "ScarScar, what are you doing here? I thought you had board games."

"I do, but I need to talk to you about something urgent." Scarlett said, her tone being calm, but serious. 

"Okay, follow me. I know a place that we can talk without anyone watching." Kira said, urging Scarlett to follow her.


The two walked for a while before arriving near the gate of NRC. They sat down behind a tree, Kira was a bit nervous. She sounded serious...what does she wanna talk about?

"I know that you've been hiding that fact that you're blot in your gem is rising..." Scarlett calmly said, "and that your magic is fading." That's what really made Kira nervous. She never told anyone about her magic fading. "H-How...do you know?"

"I monitored your blot level and noticed that it was rising. For how I know that your magic is fading. You rarely use healing magic even after the incident when you were stabbed. I know that once you let your body heal itself, you could've easily healed the remainders with your healing magic." Scarlett said, looking at her. Her face was serious, but also calm.

Kira sighed, "Fine...yes my blot level is rising and yes...my magic is fading. I have a disease that is slowly spreading across my body. I use magic to keep it from spreading any further, but it's slower getting harder to use magic with the disease getting stronger." 

"I am sorry that you have a disease, but why don't you tell your dorm or Leona about this?" Scarlett asked, "Because I don't wanna be a burden to them..."

"Kira...you're never a burden. Your dorm and Leona wouldn't think so either. They care about you so much." Scarlett said, placing her hands on Kira's. "Let's head back. I will keep this a secret if you desire."

"I would like this to be a secret. Don't tell anyone not even Idia. I know that he's been monitoring everyone's blot level." Kira said. She didn't wanna think about anyone finding out about this.

The two walked back to the school with Kira going back to looking at the gargoyle statues. She needed to calm down after confessing that her magic was fading. 

Everyone should be in their clubs and today is also suppose to be a club meeting. "I better go see Malleus. He'll probably be in our room."


In Malleus & Kira's room, Kira knocked on the door to their room in which Malleus opened the door, smiling at her, "Little Thorn, I was worried that you had gotten hurt."

"Don't worry, Malleus. You worry alot ever since I got hurt." Kira said, she embraced Malleus's warm chest and arms.

"Since you are here, the meeting can now commence since where we normally have club meetings is currently being used." Malleus said, "I wanted to talk about the recent gargoyles that you have studied." 

"Sure hunny."

"And I wanna have some fun~." Malleus said, leaning into Kira's ears. Her face grew red as she covers her face. "Don't be embarrassed, I'll go gentle."

"O-Okay." Kira's face was still red as Malleus picks her up.


Sometime later, it was time for Kira and Leona's cuddle time. She made her way out of Diasomnia and into Savanaclaw. "Leona should be in his room."

She went to his room and knocked on the door. "Come in, Kitten."

Kira opened the door and saw Leona without a shirt. Her face grew red as she bumps into the door, closing it in the process. "Heh, someone is flustered."

"Y-Yeah...I didn't expect you have no shirt on." Kira said flustered. Leona walked over to her and grabbed her waist. "No need, I just figured you'd wanna feel my body while we cuddle."

He picked her up and went on the bed with her in his arms. Kira could feel his warm body on her as she gets comfy. "Comfy, my love?" Leona asked, kissing her forehead. "Yes, your body is so warm." Kira embraced his warm and hot body. "Heh. Cute."

"I love you, Leona Kingscholar. You'll always be my first choice." Kira said, placing one of her hands on his face. "Heh, and I love you too, Kira Spindle. You're the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. You love me more then my family ever will."

"Aww so sweet. By the way, I won't be able to sleep with you tonight. I am helping cook dinner this evening and Malleus wants me to sleep with him tonight." Kira said. Leona lowerd his ears, "It's okay my grump lion. I'll give you extra cuddles and love when I can." 

"Fine, but I'll make sure you have batter all over you...and I don't mean the cake batter kind~."

"L-Leona!!" Kira was flustered as her face went fully red. "Shhh," Leona covered her mouth with one of his fingers, "I'll make sure you can't walk~."


After a while of cuddling, it was time for Kira to leave.

Leona learned her in for a kiss. "See ya tomorrow Little Kitten." Kira smiled, getting out of the bed. Before she opened the door she winked and blew him a kiss. "Hehe, cutie~.

To Be Continued...

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