About my oc, Kira Spindle

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Name: Kira Spindle

Japanese name: 吉良・紡錘 

Twisted from: The spinning wheel (+Zira from The Lion King 2)

Birthday: February 14 (Aquarius)

Age: 178

Height: 148 cm

Dominant hand: Right

Homeland: Briar Valley

Family: ・Adiv Spindle (father)

・Lilia Vanrouge (Step-father, married Adiv)

・Unnamed mother 

Other names: ・Little Thorn (Malleus)

・Little Kitten (Leona)

・Delicate Thorn (Lilia)

・Precious Thorn (Silver)

・Young Mistress/Rose Thorn (Sebek)

・Sweet Rose (Vil)

・Reine des épines (Rook)

・Dandelion (Kalim)

・Pufferfish (Floyd)

・Little Lioness (Ruggie)

・Kiki (Reina)

・Rara (Cater)

・Benevolent Fae (Ortho)

・Blooming Flower(Scarlett)

Grade: Junior

Class: Class D (No. 7)

Club: Gargoyle Studies Club

Best subject: Protection

Hobbies: Acrobatics

Pet peeves: Being looked at by strangers

Favorite food: Sweets

Least favorite food: Sours

Talent: Cooking

Signature Spell: Valley of Thorns

Description: Allows her to summon a wall, valley, or a forest full of thorns. She rarely uses the forest, due to it requiring more magic then the other two. She just has to say, Valley of Thorns, for her to cast a wall or valley of thorns, but to cast a huge forest of thorns, she says: "A forest of thorns shall be their tomb, borne through the skies with a fog of doom! Now go with a curse and serve me well! Cast my spell...Valley of Thorns!!" Once the spell has been cast, it is impossible to benetrate. If magic hits it then it will just heal itself and it also depends on her emotions. The more emotions, the more powerful.

The royal healer of Briar Valley, she is the only female in Diasomnia. She is an expert and strong healer. Her healing skills are respected and admired by those who wish to be healer. Most tend not to approach her due to her connection with Malleus.

"Hello, Child of Man. I hope you feel welcome at NRC, I welcome you with open arms!"

Voice: Kanae Kocho (Japanese dub voice)

Miyo Saimori ( English dub voice)

Personality: She is very shy and hides behind Silver and Sebek for protection, but once you get to know her she's calm and soft when speaking with. She is kind and gentle with anyone if you're close with her. However, if there is someone she doesn't know then she tends to be more scared.

She is not familiar with technology so she is always curious when seeing it. Reina and Scarlett help her especially with learning it. Malleus gave her a tamagotchi that matches his. She cherishes her gift and makes sure it's protected when she's using magic or around water.

I hope you all understand that she is my oc and thank you for reading this. This will be at the top of the book.

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