The Grand Vizier's Betrayal

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It had been a few days since Kira had warned Yuu about Jamil. She hasn't seen the two in a while. She has been restocking the fireplace ever since they disappeared. What if they didn't listen to what she said about Jamil? Jamil can be cunning and sly, letting no one know what he's up to.

Kira had just gotten done with restocking the fireplace for the fairies. She was heading back to Octavinelle when a carpet soon exited Scarabia. Yuu and Grim were on the back, it was hard to control the magic carpet. The carpet soon flew to Kira, where she was dragged by the carpet, crashing into the Monstro Lounge. 

"Well, well. What have we here? Patrons in search of a little midnight snack, perhaps?" Jade said, turning on the lights. "Aw, maaan. I was totally ready to squeeze any burglars here tryin to nab our food supplies. It's just the little Shrimpy and the Seal. Laaame." Floyd said, sounding disappointed. "Ow, did you have to crash into me."

"KIRA!" Yuu exclaimed. "Wait... What're you guys doin' here?" Grim said, noticing the two moray eels. "Didn't we already go over this? We can't go home over winter break because of ice floes, remember?"

"Wait, so we're in Octavinelle?!" Grim exclaimed. "Yes, you're in Monstro Lounge." Kira said, getting up with a few bruises. "We... WE MADE IT! Finally, we've broken outta that awful prison!" Grim yelled, happy to be free. "A prison? Would you two care to elaborate?" Kira asked. "And what's this rectangular flounder-lookin' guy?" Floyd added. "It looks a lot like Kalim's magic carpet, actually..."

Footsteps soon came into the lounge. "There's no escape for you now, thieves!" Scarabian student A said. "Surrender quietly!" Scarabian student B added. "Mrow?! You chased us all the way here?! You guys are seriously stubborn, you know that?"

"What's all the commotion at this late hour?" Azul asked, entering the Monstro Lounge. "Kiki, are you okay?" Reina asked, running over to her friend. "You're Azul Ashengrotto, the housewarden of Octavinelle!" Scarabian student B exclaimed. "Would you care to explain what's going on here?"

"It's none of Octavinelle's business. Just hand over the two of them quietly." Scarabian student A said. "Now that I'm looking closer, would that be Yuu and Grim sprawled out and quivering on our floor? They looked so dingy, I thought they were a pair of dustcloths. "

"They crashed into me with Kalim's carpet." Kira said, getting her pen out. "Please, save us with your spirit of benevolence." Yuu said. "Hmmm..."

"If you refuse to hand them over, you'll be party to their wrongdoing as well." Scarabian student A said. "Hey, are you yankin' my tail here? Don't talk to Azul like that."

"No fighting of any kind is permitted in the Mostro Lounge. This is a place for gentlemen." Azul said, stopping the two moray eels. "Calm down you two..."

"What was that? You're interfering?" Scarabian student A asked. "Fine. We'll just do this the hard way!" Scarabian student B exclaimed. "Hmph. I think it's time we asked these ill-mannered patrons to leave. Jade. Floyd. Show them the door."

"Yes sir." Jade said. "On it!" Floyd exclaimed.


"Argh... Retreat for now!" Scarabian student A said, running off. "You haven't seen the last of us!" Scarabian student B. "Go on and scatter, you bunch of minnows! Aha ha!"

"We'll be eagerly awaiting your next visit to our lounge and next time don't talk to Azul like that." Jade smiled. "Mya-HAH! We did it! You see that?! That's what you get, you buncha jerks!" Grim exclaimed. "I do hate to rain on your parade, but...I'm afraid we'll have to bill you for repair fees for the tables and chairs damaged in that fight. Not to mention our own labor rates, since we were dragged into this affair." Azul explained. "WHAT?! You're chargin' us for that?!"

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