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After my car accident and slight concussion I had for a short time being. Taking some time off and catching back up on my manual labor work. I can conclude to YOU ALL, I am up FULLY recovered and back in action!!!📢💥🎉

Laying on the cold, mechanical bed, I heard his voice over the intercom.

"Please remain as still as possible so we can obtain a clear and even x-ray of your body. The machine will move over you and scan three times. I will let you know when it's safe to move."

I glanced around the dimly lit operating room, its pristine white walls enveloping me. As the CAT scanner began its motion, each mechanical beep triggered a flood of memories in my mind.

Pain. Why was I in pain? A wave of flashbacks tornado through my mind of all the heartbreak, pain that I endured from training, and also from past relationships that I had willingly put up with. More pain. The pain and struggle of how hard I pushed myself every day to be the best And better than the next

An emergency alarm blared, jolting me awake. My eyes snapped open, startled by the sudden noise. Baki burst through the door, his hands outstretched in a calming gesture towards me. I started to rise from my prone position, only to realize I was already standing. The once-white walls now glowed with an eerie green light.

"What the fuck is going on?" My panicked voice came out dry, causing me to cough. I looked down at my hands, then scanned my glowing body. I was the source of the illumination, and Baki's mixture of terror and awe made sense now.

"I need to get out of here, this feeling inside me is unbearable. I feel like I'm burning from the inside out. What the fuck did they do to me?!"
Instead of stepping forward, I found myself behind Baki in an instant, moving so fast it startled even me. I must have moved at the speed of a Mudskipper.

I forced myself to turn slowly to face him. He hadn't noticed me yet. I reached out and tapped his shoulder, triggering his reflexes into a spinning back kick. I closed my eyes, bracing for impact that never came. Slowly, I opened them again.

Despite being smaller than him, I managed to catch his leg mid-air with my left arm stretched high above my head. Releasing his leg accidentally, I ended up tossing him. He crashed into the CAT scan equipment, causing the room to blackout and sparks to fly from torn wires, visible to the naked eye.

"Oh my God! Fuck! Shit! Fuck!"

I turned around, only to bump into Kureha. His heavy gaze halted me in my tracks. It wasn't the look of a mad scientist but a fear that restrained him from pushing my buttons, from pushing me past my limits and potentially endangering both of us.

I took a deep breath and smoothly moved into the laboratory room with undetectable speed. As I turned to grab my duffel bag, I froze in place.

'Why do I suddenly want to run away from relationships? I've never been one to run,' I think to myself as I slowly rose to face them. I looked through the two-way mirror, realizing I had left without being detected. Baki locked eyes with me.

'Fuck. My whole damn life. I've never run away from a problem before, and I'm not starting now.'

I pressed the red button on the intercom. "Alright boys, I think that's enough for me today," I chuckled softly. "I'm gonna go put some damn clothes on, and y'all can figure out the rest of this shit. I might be back, I might not."

Before they could respond, I lifted my finger from the intercom and turned to my duffel bag to change.

Gradually, as I dressed in the next room, the glow and burning sensation began to fade. A blaring noise sounded as the female AI voice announced the shutdown over the speakers.
Stepping out of the secluded room, I met Baki and Kureha in the hallway.

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