I wanna cause Problem!

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Blacking out is such a practical thing to say with a situation like this I'm in. My human state was knocked out cold but, my instincts were on 10.

It could all just be a figment of my imagination but, I could "see" an aura shape of my body still in action. I could see, feel, and hear everything my body was doing on its own.

The person who had caught me off guard, I could see the shape of his body but in the same form I could see my own, his was red, mine was green.

'This feels like sleep paralysis. I need to wake up! Get up get up get up, bitch! Fuck! I, uh... I need to sink!' I remembered how I used to wake up from sleep paralysis automatically. I hope it's the same for this; if not, I'm screwed.

I began to relax my whole entire body, the feeling of me sinking down started to make my whole body become light as a feather.

As I gradually came to, I realized with a jolt that standing before me was Kure Raian, a formidable opponent who had faced off against Jack Hanma not even that long ago from what I could remember.

Raian moved with lightning speed, his strikes precise and powerful, reminiscent of his prowess in the series. I countered with a flurry of kicks and punches, each movement fueled by newfound strength and agility.

Every attack he made, I was able to dodge. I jumped back about 10 feet away, finally able to put some distance between us.

"Aren't you that bitch-ass mothafucka that was fighting Jack?" I started to tisk. "Go away and fight him again. I'm getting sick and tired of all you mofos trying to fight me. I mean, Goddamn, y'all don't got shit better else to do? Like, oh MY GOD!"

Hell yeah, I'm throwing a motherfucking fit because at the end of the day I am sick and tired of this shit. Not only is this motherfucker fighting me, he had to drug me. I repeat, whatever the fuck was on that cloth he put on my face. He tried the shit. All I'm saying is, if you gotta go to that extent, God forbid if I wasn't even able to wake the fuck up. Now I'm getting even madder thinking about what the fuck he might have wanted to do with me!

'Now hold up, bitch don't jump ship just yet, think about this. Quick breakdown, you were partially beginning to merge in the xenoverse, then ended up here, but it seems like you got some powers, but it is within strength. Use that shit, bitch, tap the fuck in!'

Taking a huge breath, i slow everything down. The bustling of the streets, the birds, insects, anything within a mile radius I was able to slow down with my mind. Shooting my eyes open, I charged at Raian.

Our confrontation unfolded in a dynamic display of extreme martial arts—flips, spins, and daring aerial maneuvers pushing the boundaries of our physical capabilities.

"You're fast," Raian grunted, a smirk playing on his lips. "But you haven't even scratched the surface."

"Fuck you! You can't even land a hair on me. Back the fuck down now, or you're about to get hurt," I warned him in the calmest voice I could muster up at that moment.

Raian's eyes sparkled with amusement at my words, his grin widening. He dashed towards me, his movements a blur, and I barely had time to react. Our fists collided with a thunderous crack, sending shockwaves through the air.

"You've got spirit," Raian taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance. "But spirit alone won't save you."

I countered with a rapid series of kicks, forcing him to retreat slightly. As I advanced, he tilted his head and let out a low whistle, his eyes roaming over me.

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