Chapter 1

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Rainy nights are a usual thing in Bangkok, especially during the rainy seasons. Tonight is no different than any other night, as it is a downpour outside. He stayed with Sky late, two of them arguing about the pace he should write with. No one ever understands, writing takes time. Figuring out the plot, creating the characters, and sometimes their back stories, and actually putting the words on the paper is hard. It's exhausting work sometimes, and there had been so many blocks he was faced with. Rain loves his work, he would never change it for anything else, but he needs a break here and there.

After the massive success of his first book, Kindred Spirits, and even some mentions of filming it, the publishers, and by extension Sky, expect him to write the second one. He has some notes, some vague ideas, but nothing really written. He is trying to think of something while driving home. Then his car stops suddenly, and he starts to panic, as he doesn't know what happened.

Then someone knocks on his window, a biker, and his panic gets stronger. Is he about to be robbed? Then the stranger lowers his scarf, and he looks at the man in awe, the man looks so handsome. He doesn't mean any harm to him, and Rain opens the window. He wouldn't lower the scarf and show his face if he did.

"Nong, turn on your hazard lights. I'll check the tire for you.", the handsome stranger says, and he feels relieved. It's only a tire. Nothing too dangerous, as he has a spare.

"Really, Phi?", he exclaims happily.


Rain listens to the man, turns on the hazard lights. When the man starts removing the blown tire, he hurriedly takes an umbrella and gets out of the car. It's not fair that the man is getting even more wet, helping him, while he stays dry inside the car. So he stands out, umbrella open and he shields the man from the rain. It takes a bit before the stranger notices.

"Nong, go wait in the car. It's pouring. I'll take care of this myself."

"Although, I can't help you change a tire, I can hold the umbrella, so you don't get wet.", he gives a bright smile. This man is helping him, and even though he can't see how he looks, Rain knows he is trustworthy.

"Phi, do you have anything else I can help you with?"

The stranger turns a bit and gives him a helmet, which Rain takes immediately. He is really eager to help. He changes the tire, putting the spare on and the blown one in the trunk.

"Thank you, Phi. I don't know what I would do without your help.", he admits, so thankful for the help.

"If you're driving, you have to know how to do this. Don't just drive, learn the basics about your car too. That way you'll be able to fix it, if something like this happens again. Alright, it's done."

The man finally turns to him completely, and he is in shock. He freezes, as he takes in the man's appearance. He is about to say something, and Rain instinctively moves the umbrella forward to cover him again.

"My helmet.", the man says as he reaches forward.

"You're so damn handsome! No, I mean...", he quickly tries to correct himself after the embarrassing moment.

"Thank you for the compliment...", the stranger interrupts him, and smiles at him.

"May I have this back? Next time, don't get your tire blown so carelessly. Also, you should get going. It's pouring, you'll get sick. Go on quickly. I'll be leaving too."

Rain gives the helmet back, and quickly goes back into the car. It's so very sweet of his savior to care about his health so much.

"He's so damn cool.", he adds to himself, alone in the car.

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