Chapter 7

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Author's note: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!! 

We reached the last chapter of the story, thank you for reading this story!

TW: Also, there is kidnapping in this chapter, so if that isn't your thing skip it.


Phayu is considering the challenge against the annoying brat from the race. His mind is actually set on accepting it.

"Phayu, don't tell me you are seriously considering this," Saifah says.

"I will race against the guy," Phayu says, stubbornly.

"The guy will cheat. You know that," Saifah tries to convince Phayu.

"Sai, I'm doing this. Don't try to convince me not to," Phayu tells his brother.

Saifah nods. They both know this is far from over, but Saifah drops the subject for now. Phayu is grateful for that.


Rain is busy, when Ple comes over to his desk.

"Ple, is everything alright?" Rain asks her.

"Yes, everything is fine," Ple answers. "My cousin just wants to talk to you."

Rain nods, curious about what is happening. When Ple comes over with Saifah, Rain is even more curious.

"P'Saifah, can I help you?" Rain asks the older man,

"Hello, Rain," Saifah says. "I wanted to ask you to talk to my brother."

"Why? What is wrong?" Rain asks.

"My brother is making stupid decisions, and I am worried he's taking on more than he can handle," Saifah answers.

"I can talk to P'Phayu, it's no problem," Rain says with a soft smile.

"Are you free now? I'd rather explain the whole situation in private," Saifah says.

"I don't have to finish anything urgently, so I can come with you," Rain agrees.

Saifah looks thankful for Rain's offer, because they go and while Saifah drives his car to the house, Saifah tells Rain that Phayu is planning to race against some guy from the races where Rain accidentally crashed just a few weeks ago.

"Why do you think I can convince P'Phayu not to race?" Rain asks.

That's the only thing that doesn't seem to fit.

"Because Phayu would be more willing to listen to you than he would for me," Saifah explains.

Rain doesn't think he will be successful, but he promises to try his best. Especially when Saifah says that the guy would probably cheat and maybe even try to hurt Phayu. While Rain isn't completely sure about what he feels about Phayu, he surely doesn't want Phayu to get hurt.


At Phayu and Saifah's house, Rain sits at the dinner table because both brothers insisted Rain should stay for dinner. Rain doesn't really mind, it gives him the time to talk to Phayu about the race.

"P'Phayu, can we talk?" Rain asks.

"Of course, darling," Phayu answers.

Everytime Phayu uses some endearment, Rain wants to melt. Rain never considered that an endearment would have such an effect on him, but it does.

Phayu leads Rain to the backyard, and Rain loves how it looks, with all the plants. It feels calm.

"Phi, do you really have to race?" Rain asks.

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