Chapter 3

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Dear readers,

Just a little note from writer - sorry for not updating on Monday like I said I would. I was busy, but next week, the story will come on Monday as it's my posting day.

With love,



Rain is alone in his car, on his way to the publishers. He finally has some draft, not for the sequel of Kindred Spirits, but for some other story. It is a draft, so he is hopeful they will take it. The sequel just isn't getting into his head, no ideas and he is stuck with having no words, or to tell the truth, no words that sound good. And that is the problem.

Part of his current predicament is that a certain man doesn't seem to live his thoughts, and Rain is ashamed to admit that he doesn't mind him there. Not really. Yes, he yelled at the man, but that was only because he was acting like this with him. Like he should be with Ple, who is Phayu's lover. He should call her and talk to her about this, because he feels so guilty. And to add more to his confusion, the man fixed his car for free.

Rain hears his phone ringing, and the unknown number is what the caller ID says. He answers the call, and says, "Hello?" He doesn't know who this is, won't until the person responds,

"They call you an ill-mannered boy when you visit, but don't greet the homeowner."

The voice is familiar, but with his lack of sleep, and nervousness about meeting the editors and publishers with something other than the expected work, Rain can't recognize who he is talking to. The word boy doesn't bother him much, and that is surprising for him. It does bother him, usually.

"Who is this?", he asks the person, silently pleading that he will get an answer.

"You have the memory of a goldfish."

'What? How dare that stranger say something like this about him? Doesn't he know that people can be tired, or just not good at recognizing who the voice belongs to?', Rain is too tired to deal with this apparent prank call, and too annoyed.

"Hey! Are you trying to have a problem with me?", the anger is taking over, and he lashes out on whoever is calling him.

"It's Phayu. P'Phayu.", the man says.

'Did he...? How does he...?', Rain's thoughts aren't completed sentences, the shock over the fact that Phayu has his phone number isn't letting him focus. Then he remembers that he signed a document when he was picking his car up. He even gave his phone number, but Rain isn't an idiot, he knows it's not supposed to be used for personal information. He had a feeling that the car repairs weren't entirely free, nothing in this world is.

"How can you steal a client's phone number to make a personal call? Is that how you see professionalism?"

"Client, didn't I tell you that we need to discuss the repair costs?"

This is more shocking than Rain expected. Yes, he suspected that Phayu would have a way to make him regret accepting the help. Just what does that man expect from him?

"Didn't you say it was free?"

"There is nothing free in this world"

Of course he knows that. Really, what did he expect?

"Then how much is it?"

""It's not 'how much' it is. The question is "what will it be'?"

That is not cryptic at all. Rain sighs, what is he supposed to do now?

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