Chapter 6

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The problem with living alone is not having anyone to rely on to wake him up. Rain thought he got used to it, but he hasn't. This morning is the absolute proof. Luckily, Sky has the key for Rain's apartment.

"Rain, we need to go," Sky says, rushing him to get ready.

"Sky, I just woke up," Rain whines.

"That is not my problem. You should have went to sleep early. You know big and important sponsors are coming to editing house today. You can't afford to not be there on time," Sky says.

Rain rolls his eyes. Sky is right, of course, but right now, Rain wants to remind Sky he isn't a child.

"I know."

"Then hurry up. We might get there in time if you hurry up," Sky rushes him.

Rain sighs. He slept in and now he has to rush getting ready. He gets dressed more quickly than he has ever before. He and Sky leave his apartment, driving as fast as the speed limit allows.

When they arrived to the editors office, it's too late. Rain sees someone else in the office, signing a contract. That means he lost his chance to submit the draft and get this sponsoring opportunity. Now, he can only wait for six months for another chance to get this reviewing. And then there is a whole process of approving and editing and having to rewrite certain parts to finally get to publishing. Rain lost his chance.

They call him in and the main editor informs him the same thing — that he is too late and that he can try again in six months. Rain is close to breaking down in tears. He knows he can't do that now. Not here. When he leaves and gets to safe place. Then he can cry.

Sky and Ple are waiting for him in the lobby. Rain walks towards them with a broken smile on. He tries his best not to show his emotions.

"Rain, is everything okay? What did the editor say?" Ple asks. Her voice is full of concern, and she is lightly touching his arm in comfort manner. Rain lowers her arm gently.

"I'm fine, I'll just go back home to catch some sleep. Sky, you can get home on your own?" Rain answers.

Sky and Ple share a look, but neither comments on anything. Rain walks past them and leaves the building quickly. He sits in his car, with all the intention to drive back to his apartment. Instead, he takes another route, the one that leads him to Phayu's house.

'What am I doing here?' Rain wonders. This is not the place he would ever imagine himself going to. Still, that's where he went.

It's pouring. Just like when he first met Phayu. Rain smiles despite the tears. It doesn't matter if it's the worst possible weather outside, he will wait for Phayu to come. Even if Rain doesn't understand why he came here of all places.

Someone comes out, Rain isn't sure who. He has never met that person. The guy pulls him inside, not letting Rain stay outside in rain.

"You must be Rain," the guy says finally. "My name is Saifah, I'm Phayu's twin brother."

'Oh, that makes sense. P'Phayu mentioned a twin brother before," Rain remembers.

"Nice to meet you, Phi," Rain answers.

Saifah tells Rain to go upstairs, to Phayu's room and to wait for Phayu there. Rain is thankful.

Inside the room, Rain just sits on the floor, his knees close to his chest. He still won't let himself cry, even if tears are running down his face. It doesn't matter.


Phayu is at work. He's looking over some adjustments a client asked for when his phone rings. Phayu thinks it could be Rain, but when he looks, he sees it's Saifah. Why is he calling Phayu? Though, it must be important. Otherwise Saifah wouldn't call.

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