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After the panel I meet Colleen and then we go up to her room. We film the Miranda video then I go back to my room where all the girls, Matt, Shawn, and Nash are waiting.

"How was it, babe?" Matt asks from my bed.

I can feel the blush on my cheeks as I flop down on the bed next to Matt and say, "It was really funny, but throughout the video she would yell at me for not dating you."

"Sounds about right," Shawn says from his spot on the floor.

"You two probably gave all the Corthew shippers a heart attack today." Says Lauren.

"We actually have a ship name?" I ask.

"You've had one since Matt joined Magcon." Mahogany says.

Matt then pulls me closer to him then says, "How did we give them heart attacks?"

"Well," says Jenn, "Cora sat on your lap and you said that you two were friends with benefits. When all they really want is for the two of you to date already."

"Along with the rest of us..." Nash says.

"I think everyone with a Vine or YouTube account ships Corthew." Shawn says.

"Well, that's just great." I say sarcastically.


The next day I'm sitting with Matt watching him edit the video we filmed last night.

The video is basically Matt and I all hyped up on helium and singing songs. It starts with us popping up randomly into the screen and singing the Barbie song.

I laugh as his high pitched voice sings, "I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world!"

Then we go into the intro, where our voices sound normal because it was prerecorded. Then we sing Boyfriend by Justin Beiber, Don't Stop Believin by Journey, and Baby Got Back by Sir-Mix-a-Lot. My favorite song we sang came at the end of the video. Right before it goes to the ending screen, you see Matt and I singing the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song. This video is just one of the funniest videos to film.

(A/N Check out the video on the side it's a Marcus Butler video with Tyler Okley in it. The video is Impressions With Helium but it's really funny, they also did another one that's Singing With Helium but in my opinion it's not as funny. Anyways, check out the video it is sooooo funny.)

We also did songs like Party in the U.S.A., Soulja Boy, Boyfriend, and Fregalicious. Once Matt is done editing the video he posts it then he says, "Can we pretty please make another video?" He then gives me the pouty face.

I laugh and say, "Yeah." while giggling a little. He grabs a camera and tweets asking for Q&A questions for us. Once there were quite a few tweets he turns on the camera and I do the intro.

He then starts to read tweets, "What is one word that describes the other person?"

"Umm...," I say thinking, "Adorable." I say.

"Why, thank you." He says putting an arm around my shoulders, "In one word I can describe you as mine." I then start to blush like crazy and put my hands over my face, "No. put you hands down! Your cute when you blush!"

~ Matthews Pov ~

I honestly think I'm in love with this girl. She's smart, funny, bad athlete, and so amazingly beautiful. So much so that at times it physically hurts. But I guess that's the best kind of love, the kind where that person is all you can think about and all you could ever want.

I don't think I could ever love anyone else as much as I love her.

I'm not her boyfriend but I might as well be because I truly do love her and I don't want to see her with any other guy like she is with me. She's mine. I don't want anyone else getting the same butterflies when she smiles or says my name. I don't want anyone else making her blush or calling er 'babe.' Call me selfish I don't care. She's mine, I just wish I could say that to her face one day.

~ Coras Pov ~

After we got done editing I had to film a video and Matt didn't want to be in it, so I started to film while he sat on the floor and watched me like a creep. I do the introduction and tell them that today's video will be Cora Sanders Reacts to Comments.

"I'm just going to say it... I think Cora is stalking me. Every time I go on the popular page on here Cora is there. Is this bitch stalking me? If so, back the fuck away from me bitch."

Matt then starts to laugh his ass off. "Sorry guys," I say, "There is this creepy guy named Matt Espinosa on my floor watching me.

"Well then." He say rolling his eyes at me playfully.

"Okay, back to the comment. First, no I am not stalking you. Second, you need your mouth washed out with soap. And third, I had no clue I was on the popular page that often."

"Oh my gosh, this one is very interesting." I say giggling a little, "Cora Sanders. Just the look of her name makes me want to fucking vomit. This bitch is so fucking annoying! Why is she one of the most famous YouTubers ever!? I just don't get it! She isn't even mildly attractive! I normally love looking at girls. But this bitch just makes me want to fucking vomit. Go. To. Hell. Bitch."

Matt looks at me with his eyes wide and his mouth wide open. I just sit there laughing uncontrollably. "Why are you laughing? That is one of the rudest comments I've ever heard of!" He says.

"I'm laughing because his profile picture is of a cross!" I say between laughs.

"Your kidding," He says eyes still wide; I give him my phone and he just shakes his head, "That's just sad."

I then reply to the comment, "Well, I'm sorry that I'm not fun for you to look at."

I faintly hear Matt say, "I think you're to fun to look at..."

I ignore his pervy comment and continue, "Actually, I'm not sorry. I don't care that my name makes you want to vomit or that you think I'm annoying. And I'm a popular YouTuber because of comments and views, just like the ones you give me because I don't think at was the fist video of mine you've seen. And seriously we must not go to the same church or something because you are just sick. Don't tell me to go to hell while your profile picture is a cross, that is just not okay."

"Preach!" Matt yells from the floor.

"Okay this next comment is from one of the guys, we're going to see if Matt can guess who it's from." Matt raises an eyebrow, "Why are Matt and Cora not married yet. Tis only a matter of time."

Matt thinks for a second then says, "I got nothing. Uh... Cam?"

"Jack and Jack. And I'm going to guess Edward."


"I think it's rude to call him by his last name..." I say shrugging.

"He's not going to like Edward."

"I don't care."

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now