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Later that night it was just the girls and I having a girls night watching Tangled.

"Ugh, I wish a guys would look at me like that." I say as Flynn Rider looks at Rapunzel dreamily as golden lanterns float in the sky.

"You kidding right?!" Andrea says throwing a piece of popcorn at me.

"No...?" I say giving her a confused look. Jenn then face palms, seriously face palms. "Am I missing something?"

"Yes, you are literally Rapunzel when it come to guys looking at you like that." Arden says.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"She means," Mahogany says, "that Matthew looks at you like that all the time. You are just always either looking at the floor or into space when he is."

"Nuh-uh." I say childishly. I then look at the clock and see that it's four in the morning and we all have meet and greets tomorrow. "We are all going to bed now because we have to get up in four hours."

All the girls look at the clock then sigh. Lauren turns off the clock and we all climb into bed, which is difficult because there are two beds and six of us which means three to a bed. Andrea turns off the lights then everyone falls asleep immediately.

Well, except for me because of all my thoughts about Matt. Are the girls right? Does Matt actually like me? In the future will I ever be able to call him mine? I know we act like a couple, but that doesn't mean he likes me. I sigh thinking about it then fall into a deep sleep.

The next morning I wake up to a text from Matt.

From: Espinouris Rex

"WAKEY WAKEY BABE GIRL WE HAVE MEET AND GREETS TO GO TO!!! (P.S. I hope your morning is wonderful :)"

I would much rather wake up to a kiss from him than a good morning text. Not that I'm complaining.

"Who is the text from?" Lox asks with a mouthful of toothpaste, she is currently brushing her teeth and picking out clothes at the same time. It probably wont end well.

"Matt, it's a good morning text." I say sending him a quick reply.

She takes the toothbrush out of her mouth before smirking and saying, "So, he thinks of you when he wakes up in the morning..." Before walking back to the bathroom. I roll my eyes at her as she walks away.

Once we are both dressed and ready we go downstairs and eat breakfast with the girls.

"Wait, the dot over the letter 'i' actually has a name?" Arden asks.

"Yeah, it's called a tittle." Jenn says.

"Don't talk to me like I'm stupid! Say peanut brittle if you knew what it was called." Arden says 

"Peanut brittle." Says Jenn. She then notices that nobody else said peanut brittle, "Come on, really people!"

We all ignore her except for Arden who just gives Jenn a smug look. Mahogany then reads off her phone, "Who you think about at night is where your heart is."

"Now everyone has to say who they were thinking about at night." Andrea says clapping her hands excitedly.

"Channing Tatum." Arden says.

"Twins!" Mahogany says high-fiving Arden.

"As random as it is, Josh Hutcherson." Lauren says.

"What about you two?" Jenn asks with a smile.

Andrea scratches the back of her neck then says softly, "Kian..."

All the girls giggle except me, "Kian as in Lawley? Like Our2ndLife Kian!" I ask with wide eyes getting wide with excitement.

"Yeah..." She says poking at her breakfast.

"You two would be so cute together!" I say.

"Wait," Mahogany says, "We can't forget about you! Who were you thinking about last night?!"

"Is there any way I can get out of this?" I ask pushing around the bacon on my plate.

"Nope, now tell us." Lauren says.

"Ugh, Matthew." I say putting my head in my hands as all the girls squeal with joy. "This is not that big of a de-"

I'm then interrupted by Andrea, "This is a huge fucking deal! Especially because no guy acts like that around a girl unless he likes her!"

"For the last time Matt doesn't like me!" I say exasperated.

"Yeah, he does." Cam says sitting down between Lox and I.

"Told you." Arden says taking a bite of her toast.

I roll my eyes and say, "What do you know you still think the letters l, m, n, and o are one letter instead of four."

"Isn't it!?" he asks louder than necessary.

"No, not really." Jenn says laughing a little.

Speaking of louder than necessary Taylor comes running towards us yelling, "Food! Food! Give me food!" It doesn't matter how long you've known Taylor, everyone knows he is the loudest person to ever live. The only person that doesn't know it is Taylor himself.

Taylor then jogs in and stands behind Lauren and says, "You are all needed by the front desk."

"What did you boys do this time?" Andrea asks.

"First, you could have done something, not just us guys mess things up you know. Second, we didn't do anything. Third," He says then sticks his tongue out at Andrea causing all of us to laugh.

Taylor leaves a wad of cash on the table then we all head towards the front desk. Once we get there everyone else is there waiting on us including Sammy Wilk, Skate Maloley, and Kenny Holland.

"No way..." I say in awe.

As soon as I let those words out of my mouth everyone looks at me. "Oh my god..." Sammy says with his mouth hanging open.

Kenny then squeals like a girl, I think he might have peed himself too. "Cora Sanders!" he squeals hugging me. I hug back because it's Kenny I mean his voice is heaven. Sammy then wraps his arms around the two of us creating a group hug.

Shawn then says, "Awe, that's so adorable!" He then, not so secretly, takes a picture of us.

Once out of the hug Sammy says, "Why are you excited to see us? Shouldn't it be more the other way around?"

"No she's weird," Carter says, "She would rather hang with us than that Colleen chick and Jenna Marbles."

"Plus she has a thing for Matt." Nash adds casing me to get embarrassed and blush. I hide my face in Sams flannel trying to hide the embarrassment.

"The feeling is totally mutual though." Taylor says with an innocent smile causing Matt to get embarrassed and blush.

Throughout the entire embarrassing experience Sammy was just smirking and Kenny was just looking between Matt and I and nodding with approval. "Can we just get onto the topic at hand, why are we all here?"

"Oh, yeah," Shawn says, "They pushed back all out meet and greets so everyone could go down to the Santa Monica Pier."

"What are we waiting for then?" Andrea says, "Let's go!"

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now