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Thirty minutes later we pull up at the Our2ndLife house.

"None of the guys are here, that's good, but how are we going to get in?" asks Mahogany from the backseat.

"That window," I say pointing to the second story window, "It's open we can lift someone through it."

Then Arden gets out of the car tries opening the door, unsuccessfully, and gets back in the car.

"Why did you do that?" Lauren asks.

"Because normally in movies when people are breaking into a house the front door is unlocked the whole time." She says.

"We aren't in a movie you dork." Andrea says laughing.

We all get out of the car and I stand below he window. I then lift Jenn through the window, which was funny because she just hung from the window for a minute before pulling herself through.

A few minutes later the door opens and we all walk in. "Okay," Andrea says, "I think we should let Cora go through everything since the rest of us have been here before."

All the girls agree and I just shrug and make my way up the stairs. They follow me up Andrea does the intro as we walk up and then I open the first door.

"Kians room." Arden says from behind the camera with a smirk then winking at Andrea, who sticks her tongue out at Arden.

I open the door and walk in immediately getting to work. I hold up two wings that were thrown on the floor in the closet, "This really doesn't surprise me." I say then put them back. I look on the shelve in the closet and find a package of Oreo's and some Easy Cheese.

"I wonder if he eats these together." Arden says.

Jenn then gags and covers her mouth. Andrea scrunches up her nose then says, "Gross, I don't want to find out."

We all move into the next room, I open the door and find Jc's room. (Jc aka Mr. Cloud Caylen or Everyone's Favorite Thursday.)

(Stay Cloudy)

I look around for a while then open his sock drawer, I carefully move around the underwear before noticing something inside one of the socks. I take the sock out and dump its contents on his dresser.

"Oh my God..." I say stifling a laugh.

Arden moves the camera so the viewers could see and immediately starts laughing. "What?" Lauren says walking in the room, she had to pee. She takes one look and immediately gets a look of horror. "Well, now we know what he does in his free time." She says gagging a little.

I wonder if he always keeps condoms in his socks.

We went to Connors room next, easily identifiable by all the furniture from Ikea and how orderly it is compared to the other rooms. We didn't find much in the room but in the closet he did have wigs set up on wig stands, which was pretty disturbing.

After that we went to Ricky's room and found a huge bag of weaves. Once we were all done in the guys rooms we went downstairs and sat on the couch and talked. Then we hear jangling and we all look at each other with wide eyes.

"Why are they home!" Mahogany whisper yells as all the girls rump into different hiding places.

I turn and look in the direction of the noise, I laugh a little seeing Wishbone, the O2L pet dog, scratching at his collar. "Guys, it's just Wishbone." I say relaxing. They all look at Wishbone and sigh.


The next morning I get dressed and walk into Matt and Carters room, knowing that it would be unlocked and they would still be in bed.

Before I open the door I hear Matt yell. God these boys need to learn yelling isn't going to solve their problems. I sigh and open the door, "What's wrong now."

He's standing by his laptop, that's setting on the desk next to his bed, he then runs his hands through his hair then falls back on his bed with his hands on his face. He says with a muffled morning voice, "It just deleted my entire video for the third time."

"Why don't you take a break before you stress yourself out." I suggest sitting down next to him on the bed.

"What do you have in mind." He says removing his hands from his face.

"You could come hang out with me at my booth at today's meet and greet." I say playing with his hair, he hasn't gelled it yet so it's still incredibly soft. Well it always is but it's even softer without hair gel.

"Okay, just let me get dressed." He says siting up.

After he was dressed we walked downstairs, as soon as we got to the set of stairs we could hear all the people already in line for the booths. "Holy...." Matt says as we see all the people in line.

"There has to be at least a thousand people here..." I say as we reach the last step.

Security immediately surrounds us as we walk behind the booths to get to mine. One we get there they tell me I can start whenever I'd like. I smile and think them before dragging Matt from behind the curtain to the line of people. As soon as they could see me they started cheering. And once they saw Matt with me they cheered even louder.

Matt and I took tons of cute pictures with fans, and a ton of fans told us we should date. Which caused me to giggle and Matt to blush every time.

"Can I get a picture with you two?" asks a fan.

"Of course!" I say smiling.

She hops on Matts back and I kiss her cheek for the picture, after it was taken I say to Matt, "You smell good."

"Thanks, I try." He says with a goofy smile signing a girls arm.

"Your such a dork." I say laughing and signing the same girls arm.

"You know you love me." He says smirking.

"You know it." I say before posing with a fan.

After I take the picture I'm soon attacked with hugs. I hear Matt laughing then I say, "Matthew, who am I hugging?"

"Oh, you know..." He says causally, "just Our2ndLife."

"No way." I say releasing myself from the hug. "Our... second... Life..." I say slowly looking at each of the boys.

"You pronounced it perfectly, babe." Matt says laughing again.

I give him my best shut up look before looking back at the six boys standing in front of me. "Connor... Ricky... Sam... Jc... Trevor... and Kian..." I say slowly looking at each boy in their order.

In care you've been living under a rock in a wi-fi-less area, Our2ndLife is a collaboration channel on YouTube. (Also my favorite YouTube channel but that's besides the point.) Each of them have a day that they post a video about that weeks topic, in order from Connor, Ricky, Sam, etc.

"God... I've been watching your videos since before I started YouTube."

"Great! We've created a monster! Your the competition." Kian yells pointing his finger at me. (Kian and Trevor are pretty effing loud.) (Just imagine Kian, Trevor, and Taylor together. Oh, the horror.)

"I love you too, Kian." I say smiling.

He smiles and elbows Jc in the side whispering, "Did you hear that. She loves me."

I laugh then say, "I actually love all of you but I have fans waiting. I swear I will talk to you after my meet and greet." They all say bye before leaving.

"I'm going to head back upstairs and fix that video." Matt says, "but I'll probably be back so we can go to lunch."

"Okay see you later." I say with a smile. I then go back to meeting my amazing fans.

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now