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The next few days Matt and I got closer and closer until it was like that day at the airport never happened, "I don't get why you guys want me to go out to L.A. with you." I say taking a bite of my apple as I watch Edward and Nash play Fifa.

"Because L.A. is the place where all the Internet stars are now." Cam says concentrating on the game of pool he, Sammy, and Finnegan had going on behind the couch.

"Plus Shawn, Aaron, and Taylor want to see you again, Aaron and Taylor only come out there for a few weeks every other month or something like that." Finnegan says.

Sighing I say, "I do miss them..."

"Good," Matt says with a smile, "I'll help you get started buying that plane ticket."

The next day on the flight to L.A. I was cuddled up underneath a blanket on Matts lap half asleep when I hear Cam say, "Would you stop taking pictures and recording! They're trying to sleep because you guys kept us all up last night!"

Clearly someone's tired...

"Alright, Nash, stop vining." Edward says sighing, clearly disappointed.

When we land we all grab our things then head towards the front door, but we were stopped midway by a group of photographers, "Does this always happen?" I ask shielding my eyes from the camera flashes.

"Not normally..." Finnegan says with a hand over his eyes and the other one pushing past a news recorder.

I then notice a group of fans trying to get past the photographers, only to get pushed back before they could reach us. One of the best things about traveling is when you land the fans are ready to meet to as soon as you land, like a really loving welcoming committee.

"That's enough!" I yell through all the people, causing everyone to look right at me and freeze, "This is insanity! We aren't celebrities! Our fans are more important that you are!"

"Oh, yeah," Sammy says sarcastically, "We're not celebrities, now get out of the way so we can meet our fans!"

I slap his arm then yell, "Now move! I want to meet the people that changed my life!"

Later that night all of us, including Aaron, Shawn, and Taylor, were sitting behind a camera filming a video for Matts YouTube channel. The weirdest part is, we're all wearing masks.

"Matt?" I ask turning to look at him.

"Yeah?" He says wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Why are we all wearing masks?"

"I have no idea, babe." he says readjusting the dark green mask on his face.

"Can we get on with the main reason you wanted to film this video?" Taylor says, "This is starting to get really weird."

"I thought this was a pointless video Matt wanted to make..." I say.

"Nope," Matt says popping the 'p.'

"Then why are we filming this video?"

He smiles and takes my hand looking deep into my eyes, "Because, Cora, I've finally come to the conclusion that I don't like being without you. I don't want any other guy being the reason you smile everyday or the first person you think about when you wake up. I want you to be mine," He smiles, "And I want us to be that couple that everyone's jealous of, even though I know we'll fight. But when we do we can just inhale a bit of helium and keep arguing, because neither of us could possibly take the other serious. Cora, will you be my girlfriend again?"

I frantically nod my head, "Yeah, I will. I would love to be you girlfriend again, Matt." He then tackles me with a hug, "I still don't understand why we're wearing masks." I say as he tightly wraps his arms around my waist as he laughs

"Why are we here again?" Aaron says.

I reach under the couch and pull out one of the many hidden cans of silly string and spray him with it, "That would be why!" Then our hour long filming of insanity began.

Don't bother asking why there are hidden cans of silly string, there is no reason. They just like silly string.

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now