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The next morning I woke up with Matt laying next to me under the covers. The funny thing is, he wasn't here when I went to bed.

I look over and see Mahogany taking pictures of Matt and I, "What your adorable," She whispers.

"Stop taking pictures!" I whisper yell, "And how did he get here?"

Thank the lord we're both clothed.

"He was going to come see if we wanted to go and hang out with the guys but you were asleep." She says looking through her purse for something, "And he said something about you being being so adorable before crawling in bed with you."

I sigh and Mahogany goes back to whatever she was doing before. Last night Matt drove us home in one of Taylor's cars, when I got back Mahogany had already gone to bed and the other girls were in their rooms, most likely, asleep. Matt said I could go hang out with him and the other guys, but honestly I was exhausted so I went to bed.

I sit up and reach over to grab my laptop from beside the bed when I hear Matt yawn, I look over at him with his messy bed hair and sleepy eyes, "How's my girl?" he asks with his MORNING VOICE, have you ever heard that boys morning voice? It could drop any girls panties, just saying.

Pssssh, except me. Because I'm a nice girl. (But I did consider it for two seconds.)

I just smile and say, "I'm amazing, babe." He then sits up and pecks kisses all over my face.

"Whatcha doing," He says motioning towards the laptop as I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Well, Lox and I made a deal..." I say trailing off.

"What would that be?" He asks more to Mahogany then to me.

She smirks and says, "She has to post the video of your romantic kiss in front of the Hollywood sign."

He then proceeds to smirk and says, "Well you should post that before I post last night's video. So you need to get to work, babe."

I scowl at him for a moment, which only caused him to give me a goofy smile, before I get up and set up my camera so I can film an intro and outro.

I sit on Matts lap on my bed and talk as Mahogany sits behind the camera on the floor with a big smile on her face. "To start this video I just want to say that Mahogany is loving every second of whats going on right now." I say into the camera.

Mahogany laughs and says, "I'm here guys! Your going to love what I'm making her do!" she also tries to show her face to the camera, that's at least three feet off the ground, while sitting down.

I give the camera a scared smile before saying, "I'm not sure how to say this, so bear with me here. Mahogany told me that I would have to post the rest of that vlog Matt and I made, that you all made a lot of edits of, if Matt and I ever started dating. So, here it is." Mahogany ends that clip and I film the outro. I spend a little while editing the video then post it, which takes at least ten minutes.

"I don't want to be here when this video is posted so let's do down to the pool," I say dragging Matt out of bed. Not long later all the guys, Mahogany, and I were all down by the pool; I was vlogging by the pool, with my waterproof camera because I know better, when I hear Matt yelling my name.

I look up to see him running at me full speed, he runs right into me placing his lips on mine as we crash into the pool. We stay under the water for a moment just kissing before resurfacing; forget butterflies, there's a whole zoo in my tummy right now. Once we were above water I wrap my arms around his neck as he looks deeply into my eyes.

"Would you stop being so adorable?" Aaron says groaning.

I look at Aaron for a second and say, "Isn't this what you guys want?"

"Hey," Cam says with his hands up in surrender, "I don't have a problem with this."

"I do," Carter says waving his hands in the air, "Your sickeningly cute, and it's disgusting." I toss my camera at him to hold for me.

I laugh and look back at Matt, I start leaning in for a kiss and so does he. But right before our lips touch I move and he falls face first into the water. I laugh as he comes out of the water and says, "Well then."

I then start to run, I get out of the pool with him right behind me, we run around the pool a couple times before I hide behind Shawn. Shawn however decided this would be the time to not be on my side, he steps to the side leaving me face to face with my boyfriend. "Traitor," I mumble under my breath causing him to laugh at me.

Matt throws me over his shoulder and starts walking towards the pool, "Mattyyyyy. I see your bootyyyyy!" I say.

He laughs and says, "You enjoy that, babe." This boy is melting my poor innocent heart.

He then jumps into the pool with me still on his back, once we were no longer under the water I run my hand through his wet hair and say, "Your a turd."


It's about ten o'clock at night and Matt and I are going through the comments on the video in Nash in Cams room, because they have an Xbox, "Look at this one," he says handing me his phone.

How did they get an Xbox... I think to myself.

"Finally it's happening! OTP!!!" I read aloud. So far there aren't many hateful comments.

I end up getting tired and curl up with my head on Matts lap, he covers me with blanket and I fall asleep.

*Matthews Pov*

"Is she asleep?" Taylor asks me as I beat G in a game of Fifa, or as she would call him, Finnegan.

"Yeah," I say setting down the controller and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The rest of the girls went to bed a couple hours ago considering it's 3 a.m.

"You should probably get her to her room," Shawn says looking at her with his head tilted.

"Yeah," I say, "I'll be back." I say lifting her up bridal style.

"No he won't," I hear Johnson say with a laugh. I roll my eyes, shut the door, and walk to her room. I take her key out of her pocket and open the door. I walk in to find Mahogany asleep in her bed, I carry Cora over to her bed and set her down gently. I don't bother changing er clothes, I would if she was wearing uncomfortable clothes but the girl changed into sweats and a magcon t-shirt as soon as she got out of the pool.

I look down at her calm, peaceful face in the dimly lit room, she's so beautiful in every way. It wouldn't hurt to lay down with her for ten minutes, would it? Nah.

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now