chapter 5 consequences

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Pov Weiss

Weiss: do I call at à bad time dear?

Y/n: no, what makes you say that?...and did you just call me dear?

Weiss: I'm asking because I can hear The noise from behind you...look, if you're-

Y/n: hold that thought Weiss, just à sec

I hear him shout at someone and frown

Weiss: you better not be bringing your daughter in a bar fight,  you're better than that dear

Y/n: thank yiu for your over confidence in me, but Laura is with my sister at the moment,  and I'm not in a bar fight, even  if it's still a fight

Weiss: is it the eye?

Y/n: no....unless the eye is a bunch of brainless barely graduating dumbasses...also for some reason my ex got here...crazy stuff

Weiss: ...anyway,  I was calling because I wanted to give a few gifts for Laura

Y/n: oh that's great, but you really don't have to -

Weiss: I figured you'd need a female touch to help you raise a baby, and I don't like to brag but I'm super good at taking care of people, especially younger people like Laura, I may have close to zero social experience,  but I was taught by the best teachers in remnant,  from atlas to vacuo-

Y/n: I'm going to have to step in here Weiss, nothing...and I mean NOTHING good comes from vacuo

Weiss : you sound like Winter

Y/n: thank you

Weiss: in this case, it's not a compliment

Y/n: I don't see your problem....YANG PUT THAT SHIT DOWN IT'S GOING TO-

I hear a loud explosion on the other side

Y/n: explode


Y/n: yang just destroyed à school....we are fucked

Weiss: as I said I am probably the best option for you for a woman as role model ...outside of your sister and mom

Y/n: how do you know them?

Weiss: well I knew your face looked familiar, I did my research and boom I learn of who you are

Pov cinder

A bit earlier

I am spying....I mean watching out for my daughter when Suddenly I see a woman glare at me

Cinder: hi I'm cinder, I was expecting Sarah to come greet me ....not you....whoever you are

Serena: I'm y/n's mom...and I don't like you spying on my family and having a daughter with my precious boy

Cinder: so you're the mom He says has an obsession and is completely crazy

Serena : HE SAID WHAT?

cinder: oh no, I just deduced that by how he spoke about you being there for whatever he was doing, and the cameras spying on him in the shower and his room

Serena : bedroom can be scary sometimes

Cinder: where is he ?

Serena : why should I tell you?

Cinder: because you hate me less that whoever y/n is with currently, and unlike the one he's with, I never got hom involved in barely or down right illegal stuff..despite my not so legal business

Serena:...between the plague and cholera

Cinder: out of simple curiosity, which one is me?

Pov yang

the teenage dad of remnant Where stories live. Discover now