2 ✧ Showmance

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Songs: Gold Digger by Kanye West
Push It by Salt-n-Pepa

Enjoy :)


Ileana's so tired. School hasn't even started, and she's already so fucking tired. Thank goodness Isaiah's driving her, so she didn't have to wake up with her aunt. That would have been even more hellish.

When the couple unfortunately arrived at the school, Ileana turned to her boyfriend, who looked almost as equally tired.

"Hey, thanks for driving me to school," The redhead said while unbuckling.

"It's no problem, Ana," Isaiah replied with a small smile. Her boyfriend then leaned over and kissed her cheek before the duo got out of his red car.

Ileana reached out for his hand, which he took without hesitation, and they walked up to the school. The couple parked pretty close to the front of the school, so their walk was in comfortable silence.

The duo approached the front, and before they even walked through the doors, Santana and Quinn approached them.

"Sorry not sorry, but we're taking her now. Bye boyfriend," Santana smirked before grabbing Ileana's hand and starting to walk off, taking the redhead with her.

Managing to turn around just enough to where Ileana could see Isaiah before rounding the corner, Ileana gave him a small wave, which he returned while laughing.

"Why are you girls kidnapping me?" The redhead grumbled when she turned back around.

"Because it's fun." Quinn giggled.

"And you're not spending that much time with us anymore since he stole you from us over the summer," Santana added as they started going up the stairs to biology.

Ileana rolled her eyes. "Please, you're just mad that you guys aren't getting it from me anymore."

Santana stopped on the side of the stairs and crossed her arms. "So what if I am? I miss you, and I'm sure Quinn and Britt do too." Quinn nodded beside Santana.

"I'm sorry. But I'm not a cheater." Ileana crkdsrd her arms. Santana looked like she was about to say something before the redhead interrupted her. "And don't give me that "it's not cheating because it's the same plumbing" bullshit."

"Come on, let's just get to class. We shouldn't be talking about this here." Quinn said before taking both Ileana and Santana's hands.

"Whatever. Don't think we're done with this though, Ileana." Santana sassed before shrugging Quinn's hand off of hers.

When the trio made their way to the top of the stairs, Emma and Mr. Schue were conversing with each other.

The guidance counselor was hardcore crushing on the Spanish teacher, and she couldn't make it more obvious. She was doing the classic hair twirling and giggling that a high schooler would do in her scenario.

Ileana heard Santana scoff before they walked past the teachers. "Get a room." The Latina said before she walked off.

"Ms. Sylvester wants to see you in her office, Mr. Schue. She doesn't like to be kept waiting." Quinn followed up before following Santana down the overcrowded hallway.

Mr. Schue nervously chuckled in response before Ileana turned to them. The teen looked at her aunt and then at the Spanish teacher. "No, but like seriously, get a room." Emma looked like she wanted to say something but ended up staying silent.

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