Chapter 17

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Jc's POV:


Is all I hear escape my mouth, I've forgotten there is little kids around me, with an instant I cover my mouth and look around. Luckily they don't pay mind,probably because they've heard worse from there own parents. Rubbing my cheek I make my way inside, I can feel anger building Inside me. I see Naomi's mother sitting in a wooden chair up against a blank white wall. I look around seeing unfamiliar faces. Some couples holding hands, others drinking wine and beer. I make my way over to her pushing past a girl with beautiful curls, her hair was like crimson and her freckles stood out like a sore thumb, her dark green eyes meet mine and I was lost.

Her voice soft and soothing
"Hi" I can barely make out
"Haven't you heard the rule, no kids allowed" her smile shows beautiful white teeth almost to nice to look away from
"Hardly a kid, what about you, you look around my age"
"My mother is the host, this is my house, I come and go as I please." Her sassy tone makes me laugh
"Im jc". I hold out my hand waiting for a response
She giggles " Allison, but my friends call me ally"
"Well its nice to meet you ally" I take her hand as she slowly holds it up and shakes it softly
"oh and who might this be?" I voice stern yet comforting becomes closer with every second.
"Mom, jc... Jc, mom"
I had to blink a couple of times
"Well I know where you get your hair, and your eyes, and everything!"
They both laugh and it's identical just like them
"everyone thinks we are twins" ally's long curly hair moves smoothly over her fingers as she twirls it
"Well its nice to meet you jc, im Shannon, can I get you anything?"
"No, no thank you just here to see someone" I point over to Naomi's mother sipping on red wine
"Ahh, well don't let us stop you" Shannon steps out of my way
I smile kindly at her before walking by, I look back and nod towards ally. She smiles and walks in the different direction. I turn back and continue
"Jc!!" She screams "you made it"
"Ya" I look down
"Is something wrong?"
I look up at her and nod
"Sometime I wonder if shes into me"
She sips her wine and nods
" I suppose we are talking about Naomi" he gaze on me
"She just avoids me! She doesn't answer her phone, and every time we come around to talking she pushes me away"
" she will come around"
"When she realizes"
"Realizes what?"
"That you love her. You do love her right?"
"I-I think"
"Well maybe that's somewhere to start, before trying to get her to come back to you why don't you figure out what you want first" she takes another sip of her wine
"What if I find I don't love her like I thought?"
"Then you tell her"
"What about if I do find that I love her?"
She laughs quietly and softly as she takes another sip
"Then tell her" she places her free hand on mine and squeezes softly "go talk to her"
"I can't"
"And whys thats?"
"She left about 10 minutes ago"
"She what!"
"She left, probably to go home, she got upset that I was here"
She stands up quickly shoving her half empty wine glass to a tall middle aged man who she probably didnt know
"She needs to cut the shit!"
Iv never heard her swear! I think to myself.
I watch her make her way over to Shannon
"This was a beautiful party, but I have to run, my teen decided to reverse back to toddler"
I laugh a little knowing its kind of true
"Thank you shannon" she says before making her way out the door

Naomi's POV:
I sit in my room hunched over my laptop, staring at the blank screen, I hear everyone come through the front door like a heard of elephants, and without a pause my mom stomps up the stairs and into my room.
"Who do you think you are leaving that party without telling me where you're going"
"I didnt want to be there mom"
"I do not care! You don't leave unless I know where you're going! You scared me shitless Naomi! What were you thinking! And over what! A stupid boy!" Her voice softens
"Boys come and go honey, but moping over one is not going to do you any good"
My eyes start to water and I place the laptop on the bed beside me and hug my knees to my chest, my mom walks over to the bed and sits down, I feel her warm hand caress my cheek
"Talk to him honey, tell him everything, let him know you care"
"He knows already"
"Naomi, I'm asking you to do yourself a favor"
The phone begins to ring, the buzz vibrates the bed, my mom picks it up slowly, looks at the name and holds it out to me
"He cares Naomi, show him you do to"
I take the phone from her and she lets herself out. I let my phone ring 4 times before I check to see who it was even though I already knew . I swip to answer, I put the phone to my ear and listen, at first it was muffled.
I hear a giggle and a cute voice followed
"Where are you talking me" the engine of the car roared
My heart froze in place when I heard jc
"Out to eat, where would you like to go?"
There's a pause
"Anywhere, surprise me."
whiteout hesitation I hang up and throw the phone to the floor, before I can think about what just happened I scream, I scream so loud I feel my face burn up. I scream so loud my head begins to ache. Tears roll down my cheek but I don't stop, I just scream.


Hey💕💕 I hope you like this, I needed to add a little more spice to the story 😘 so who is it gonna be?


Tell me what you guys think im the comments and I'll be sure to answer any questions 😊
Until next time, have a great day and enjoy ✨
Oh and don't forget to check out my other in progress books, will be updating them shortly 🎀

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