Chapter 4

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Sam's POV:

We stood there in shock, not knowing what to do, I looked back at Naomi who was glued to Jc's arm and everyone else looking at eachother

"We need to help them!" Naomi screamed as she ran over to the car we just witnessed crash into a telephone post

"Naomi!" Jc screamed running after her..

I was scared shitless I didnt know what to do, so I ran.. I ran to the car that crashed right before our eyes

The car hit the telephone post dead on!, the front of the car was scrunched and the doors scrunched shut

"Help me get the door open!" I yelled

Jc and Connor ran over to me to help while Kian was trying to make out who was inside and if they were even alive

"Ricky call 911!" Naomi screamed, I could see tear rushing down her face

"Already on it" he yelled back

Jc, Connor and i all pulled and tugged on the door it wasn't opening, I could feel my heart racing! I think I had an adrenaline rush because after a few second the door came swinging back

"I think shes alive!" Kian screamed!

"They are on their way" ricky yelled I looked back and saw him holding Trevor who was obviously still in shock

I looked in the car, I saw a girl, medium length hair a dirty blonde color, she had a cut right through her eyebrow and her nose was bleeding, I couldn't tell if she was breathing, her head laid on the dashboard and her arms were cut and bruised, I tried to get to the seat belt but I couldn't! I didnt want to move her! What could happen! I'll let the paramedics do that, I felt a tear run down my cheek as I grabbed her hand, I saw her take a breath

"Shes alive!!" I screamed

I kept her hand in mine as I whispered

"Your gonna be ok, I promise" my voice cracked a little

Naomi's POV:

We all just witnessed this! Could this be real! We waited about 5 minutes before we could hear the sirens getting closer and closer, when they made it to us they all jumped out, not even letting the ambulance stop.I watched as Sam backed up and let them get to work, it took about 10 minutes before they had her out, her eyes were glued shut and she had all kinds of cuts and bruises, I was worried and I don't even know this girl! Sam looked worried to, after they put her in the gurney Sam immediately held her hand again

"Where are you taking her" Sam asked looking straight at the paramedic

"Jordan's Hospital" the paramedic answered back

"I'm coming with you!" Sam said and I knew he wouldn't take no for an answer

Sam jumped In the back of the ambulance

"We will meet you there!" Connor yelled

I looked back at everyone

Connor was digging for his keys in his pocket, Ricky still hugging Trevor who was crying, Kian was watching at the paramedic drove away with his best friend and a girl he doesn' know and Jc... He just stood their staring at me, I stared back I could feel tears rushing down my face, my hands were shaking and I couldn't breath.

"Let's go in the car!" Connor yelled

We ran across the street and got into the car

Connor was driving while Kian was in the passenger seat, I sat in between Ricky and Jc for a reason, I could feel my heart pounding as we drove by the sceen, cops where everywhere trying to clean up everything.

I glanced over at Trevor who was looking out the window

"You ok Trevor?" My voice cracking

He didnt answer just watched as we drove by

No one talked.. I could feel my body still shaking

What if she dies? I would have just saw someone's death! This was all running through my head as Jc grabbed my hand, I think he knew I was scared, I looked up at him and he was looking at me

"Don't worry" he whispered

I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder.

Jc's POV:

When we got to the hospital we met up with Sam who was sitting in a chair slumped over staring at the ground

"Sam?" I asked

He didnt bother looking up

I watched as Naomi went to comfort him.

We waited about 3 hours until the doctor came out

We all stood up

"Well is everything ok!" Sam asked

"Everything's going good so far, shes in bed rest now, she suffered a little head trauma but we don't think it would affect much of her memory or anything along those lines, she also had to get stitches over her right eye and around her right wrist, other then that I think she just needs some rest" he said holding a clipboard close to his heart

"Can we go in and see her?" Sam asked looking over the doctors shoulder

"Only immediate family is allowed until she is awake" he replied

"Im her brother!" Sam lied

"I wanna see her!, I wanna see my sister!" He added getting angry

"Of course, this way" the doctor said

I grabbed Sam's arm

"What are you doing!" I whispered

"I'm going to see my sister! What does it look like" he whispered back looking straight into my eyes, he jerked his arm away and followed the doctor.

Sam's POV:

I followed the doctor down a long hallway, I could see people holding hands with loved ones passing away, I could see nurses rushing over to a little girl who was crying in pain holding her arm.. It was all so painful to watch, i squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, when I opened them everything was still here, what is this? Why does this world have to be so cruel!

I locked eyes with a family member on his death bed, their were about 6 people around him all crying, he looked at me with so much pain in his eyes, I could feel my heart breaking at the sight, he was still looking at me as his eyes closed shut, in that second I lost him behind the wall, I felt my hands shake and my eyes water as I kept walking.

We made it to the room ,it was small, and a curtain hung up in front of the door, the doctor pushed it away revealing a dirty blonde haired girl witch stiches through her eyebrow and cuts covering her body, she kinda reminded me of sleeping beauty. Minus the cuts and and stitches

"I'll leave you two alone"

I nodded as the doctor exited, swinging the curtain back and closing the door while he was at it

I watched her sleep, she looked like she was in so much pain, it hurt to see her like this, I pulled up a seat next to her bed and held her hand again.

"Im glad your ok" I whispered

"I know you don't know me, and im most likely talking to myself, but I'm here for you, I don't know your name or anything about you, but we will get through this,together.. I promise" my voice was quiet and soft

I lifted her hand placing a soft kiss on the back of it

I watched her again, not talking just watching, I could feel my eyes getting heavy, I laid my head on the bed. still holding her hand I slowly felt myself drifting away.


Hope you enjoyed ^.^

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