Chapter 5

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Naomi's POV:




I could feel my body shaking,my eyes opened wide as I satstraight up looking around, my heart was racing and I breathed as if trying to match my heart beat, I could feel sweat dripping down my face.


It startled me I turned and saw Jc sitting next to me, his eyes were red from lack of sleep

"Are you ok?.. Did you have a bad dream?"

I didn't answer.. All I wanted to do was curl up next to him and have him protect me

I looked around noticing we were still at the hospital..I noticed Ricky and Connor spread out on the floor sleeping like babies, while Trevor and Kian were flopped over chairs dead asleep

"Naomi?" Jc asked this time touching my arm

"You look frightened?.. Kinda like you've seen a ghost"

I turned back to him, I could feel tears starting to form, I tried my best holding them back but they won in the end, I fell into Jc's arms and cried, I had to let it out

"It's gonna be ok" I heard him whisper as he stroked my back

"I hope she's ok" I chocked

He tightened his grip around me

"Me too". He answered

"Once you two love birds are done id like to get breakfast" I heard a familiar voice, I looked over and saw Kian yawn and rubs his eyes

"You just woke up" Jc laughed

Jc didn't say anything about the "love birds" thing.. I could feel myself blush

"Annnnd!!! A guys gotta eat" Kian barked back standing up and kicking ricky trying to get him to wake up

I watched as Ricky grabbed his leg and whisperer

"There's only room for one ricky in this household!"

He was half asleep.

"How about we go out and get something, we can bring back some grub for Sammie boy" Jc said standing up and walking over to wake up Trevor

"Sounds good" Connor said sitting straight up

I giggled, Connor and his food.

Trevor and Ricky finally got up after about 5 minutes of shaking and poking them, once we were all up we went over to McDonald's down the road, it was a quick trip. And once we were back we sat back in the waiting area and ate our breakfast

"Sam's probably hungry, maybe I should bring him his food" I said standing up

I don't think they listened to me because they all just nodded and kept eating their food

I rolled my eyes and walked to the front desk and asked them about the girl that came in last night and what room she was in, it took a minute fir them to tell me but before I knew it I was wondering the halls looking for her room, I finally found it

"Of course the last place I'd look!" I laughed at myself

I knocked softly on the door

No answer

"Sam?" I called through the door

Still No answer

I slowly opened the door peeking in, I could see Sam and the mystery girl hand-n-hand, his head was laying on the side if her bed

He's sleeping!

I walked in slowly and placed his food on the little table that was at the foot of her bed

"Sam" I said shaking his arm a little

"I brought you some breakfast" I whispered

"Thank you" he whispered back

Lifting his head slowly he looked up at me, he squinted his eyes and nodded

I could help but let out a soft laugh

"Ok well I'm gonna go back to the others" I said laughing and walking out

As I closed the door I heard Sam whisper to mystery girl

"Morning beautiful"

I smiled to myself.. If I could say so myself I would think sam has a little crush on the mystery girl

Sam's POV:

"Morning beautiful" I whispered

I knew she could hear me.. Maybe she couldn't but it wouldn't hurt to try, I felt her hand twitch in mine

My eyes widened and I saw her eyes squeeze together

"Hi" I said softly

She didn't respond

I slowly let go of her hand, placing it by her side

I was hungry so I went over to the McDonald's bag that was sitting at the foot of her bed, before I could open it I heard her mumble, my whole body turned to her

She mumble a few world until she busted out into a scream, her face started to get red and I could see tears running down her cheek

I called for the doctor.. Ok maybe I screamed for the doctor , but hey it worked because he came running in a few seconds later, he had two nurses by his side

"You need to leave the room please" one of the nurses started pushing me back

"I'm not leaving!" I screamed

"Your making matters worse right now, please wait in the waiting room" the doctor bluntly said

She was still screaming, her body was shaking and she was turning pale

"Sir you need to leave!" The nurse said pushing me out the door and closing it

They can't just do that!! That's my sister! Wait what? No she isn't! I have no idea who she was, why am I so attached?.. I dragged my feet all the way back to the waiting room where I found everyone else

"Sammie!" I heard they yell

I put my hand up to stop them from talking

But knowing them it didn't work

"Is she ok?"

"What's going on?"

"Is she gonna live?"

I rolled my eyes and sat down in a chair as far away as possible from all of them


I looked up and saw Kian towering over me

"What do you want Kian!"

"I wanna know if you're ok, you seem really attached to her"

"Kian I don't want to talk about it right now!"

"We'll you're gonna have to talk about it at some point"

He said sitting down in the seat right next to mine

"I know you better then you know yourself" he said

"Kian! I'm done talking!" I said standing up, "I'm going for a walk!"

"Excuse me?"

I turned around and saw the doctor stand there looking straight at me

"She's awake" he spoke



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