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"Will you stay the night? We can watch movies, drink hot chocolate and cuddle all night!" Luke said, excitement evident in his voice even over the phone. I didn't really have to think about it as I already knew what I wanted.

"Of course! Can't wait to see you!" I answered as I kept scrolling through useless websites on my computer.

"What are you waiting for, then! Go pack a bag and get your ass over here, you lazy pumpkin!" he added as I rolled my eyes and threw my head back in laughter at the name he just gave me.

"Alright, alright!" I chuckled before hanging up and making my way over to my room to put my pajamas and a toothbrush in a bag. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a tank top before rushing to the bathroom to get changed. I had spent the day in a pair of leggings and oversized hoodie and I would've gone to Luke that way if it'd been just him and I but we were supposed to have dinner with his mum and brothers so I tried to make myself at least half-presentable.

Once I had brushed my hair and tried to discipline it; I grabbed my bag and walked out of my apartment, going straight to my car before starting it. Luke's house was only a few miles away from mine and it didn't take long for me to get there.

I was welcomed by his mum's opened arms as always and I gave her a warm hug as we started talking about random things. We all sat around the table and enjoyed the delicious meal she'd cooked for us all as Luke and his brothers kept teasing each other about stupid things while Liz and I just kept laughing because seeing these big, tall boys being so girly was probably the funniest thing we'd ever seen.

After eating desert, I helped Liz with the dishes, ignoring her each time she told me she was okay doing it alone as the boys started to play a game of American Football in the living room. I joined them once everything was clean and Luke immediately stopped playing with his brothers to wrap his arms around my waist. He placed his head on top of mine and we both wished everybody goodnight before walking to his room, rolling our eyes at Jack's cheeky comments.

I laid on his bed while he put a random movie on and he joined me a few minutes later, immediately wrapping his arms around me as he made me lay my head on his chest. We laughed and cried together each time a funny or sad scene came on and I felt his arms tightened around me when the characters shared a kiss. I lifted my head up every once in a while to peck his lips as he kept on rubbing my arm with his hand.

The movie eventually came to an end and none of us moved as the credits played on the screen. I felt Luke dip further down into the covers, bringing me with him as he turned me around in his embrace so that I was facing him.

"Now let's sleep" he murmured before closing his eyes, a smile covering his whole face. I started to move around and try to free myself from his grip but it only made him hold me tighter.

"Luke, I need to change into my pjs" I pleaded but he shook his head without even opening his eyes and simply pulled the cover on top of us both.

"Luke, I swear if you don't let me go, I'll just start singing and you'll never be able to sleep" I threatened as he finally looked at me with an amused look.

"I can always shut you up" he whispered before crashing his lips down on mine. I responded to the kiss almost immediately and one of my hands went to cup his jaw as his own slid under my shirt to rest directly on my skin on the small of my back. He pressed me harder into him and his tongue brushed against my bottom lip as I let my own explore his mouth.

I was soon straddling him as our make out session became heated and his hands were now dangerously close to my backside as I felt him getting hard under me. I immediately pulled away and sat up before getting off of him to seat beside him. A heavy sigh left his lips and I brought both hands to my face to hide my embarrassment.

Luke Hemmings SmutWhere stories live. Discover now