power cut

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I shifted on my feet as the elevator went up at an agonizingly slow pace. I had a meeting with my manager about my upcoming book and I absolutely had to be there in 3 minutes or he'd probably give me a hard time again because I was late. A very tall boy was standing next to me; his hands in his pocket and his teeth clamped on his lip ring as he seemed lost in his own thoughts. He was really beautiful in a simple way and I looked down at my feet as he caught me staring at him. I smiled to myself and felt my cheeks heat up; my eyes rolling to the back of my head as I realized I was acting like a 12 year old girl who got caught staring at her crush.

The elevator suddenly came to a brutal halt and my eyes widened as the lights went off and the emergency one appeared. I looked around and the boy was already looking at me; his eyes as big as mine as it felt like we had both stopped breathing.

"No... no no no!" I half-yelled as I frantically pressed the call button. A voice suddenly echoed through the booth and I discretely crossed my fingers, hoping that they were going to tell us that it was all fine and that the elevator was going to start moving again in a second.

"We're having a global power cut; we're trying to reach a technician; we'll get back to you as soon as we have more information." The voice was totally plain and emotionless and I threw my head back in frustration before taking my phone out of my pocket and dialing my manager's number.

"John! You must've noticed, there's a global power cut, I'm stuck in the elevator-" I started but he immediately cut me off.

"Yeah if you'd planned to arrive 5 minutes early you wouldn't be stuck in there! For god sake I specifically told you not to be late today, (Y/N)!" he yelled and I pulled the phone away from my ear.

"I know, I'm sorry but right now there's nothing I can do, I'll be here as soon as possible" I replied before hanging up and letting out a long sigh.

"In trouble?" the blond boy asked and I looked up with a small smile before nodding.

"Yeah, kind of... It's my manager he's just... he's a stickler for timing." I said, my mouth coming in a thin line as I imagine just how mad at me he must've been.

"Oh... Well, it's not your fault here" he shrugged and I smiled again because my manager didn't give a damn whether it was my fault or not; but it seemed really simple, the way he said it, like I shouldn't worry about it. "I'm Luke" he added.

"(Y/N)" I replied, my eyes on his as I noticed just how blue they were. "What are you doing here?" I asked, thinking that if we were going to be stuck in this elevator, we might as well get to know each other a bit.

"Oh, I'm just here with some friends, you know" he smiled and there was something mysterious about it, there was something he wasn't saying but we didn't know each other enough for me to point it out to him.

"Lucky you; they aren't going to yell at you for being late" I giggled and he shook his head in amusement. I then sat down on the floor as my feet started to hurt from the high heels I was wearing.

"What do you work in?" he asked as he sat down next to me, his knee brushing mine. I tried to ignore the feeling that washed over me as I looked at him. It's like the air in the little booth had suddenly become really heavy and I knew he felt him too as I saw him part his lips slightly.

"I huh... I'm a writer" I breathed out, my eyes glued to his mouth. He didn't answer; he just kept looking at me. The silence was weighting on us both but not in an awkward way; in a full-of-sexual-tension kind of way. My eyes flickered from his lips to his eyes and then down to his lips again and that's when he made the first move.

His lips touched mine and he seemed to hesitate for a second before fully closing the gap. He grabbed the back of my neck and I turned to the side to deepen the kiss. His lip ring was brushing against my skin and a small moan escaped my mouth as he pulled me into his body. His legs were extended on the elevator floor and I placed on thigh on each side of his as his hands flew to my waist.

"We probably don't have a lot of time" I let out and I felt him nod as he trailed his lips down to my neck and started leaving wet kissed down my throat. I moaned again and a low groan made his chest vibrate against my own; I tangled my fingers in his hair and threw my head back in pleasure. He started inching my skirt up and he took my hands before helping me stand up and backing me up against the elevator wall.

"You're really beautiful" he breathed before unbuttoning his jeans. I helped him pull them down to his ankles and he then placed both his hands under my thighs. I wrapped my legs around his waist and cupped his face before kissing him passionately.

"Hey wait! You have a condom, right?" I whispered against his jaw.

"Huh yeah" he answered before taking a foil packet out of his jacket. He put it in-between his teeth and ripped it open before sliding his boxers down and rolling the condom on his length. That's when I realized just how big he actually was. I hadn't been with a lot of men but he was by far the biggest.

"Please just... I need you" I begged and a small smirked appeared on his face as he ran his nose up my cheeks and started teasing my lips with his.

"Hmm... I don't know ... I kind of like hearing you beg like that" he replied amused and I grinded my hips against his own, the smirk immediately disappearing from his face.

"Damn, okay" he said before placing his tip at my entrance and slowly pushing in. I held him tighter and buried my face in his neck to hold my moans in. He almost completely pulled out and started rocking his hips at a rapid pace, his tip reaching the deepest part of me.

"Fuck" he moaned and I felt the tip of his fingers dig into my thighs as he started kissing my shoulder. "Fuck you feel good" he said again and I moaned his name as I threw my head back in pure bliss.

"Luke, shit!" I whimpered and he growled as one of his hands started sliding up my leg and he rested a finger on top of my clitoris. He started circling it slowly and gradually picked up his pace, making it hard for my mind to keep up. All these feelings were meeting at the same place in the pit of my stomach and I knew I wouldn't last long.

"I'm so close" I confessed and Luke's thrusts became messier as he let out a shaky breath.

"Good" he answered before lightly pinching my clitoris. I cried out in pleasure and he circled it a few times and I came a second later; my body jolting up and my heels digging into his back as waves and waves of pleasure overran me.

"Fuck (Y/N)" he moaned as he stilled in me and came inside of the condom; my walls pulsing around him as his throbbing erection kept twitching.

"Oh my god" he breathed out as he pulled out of me and gently pulled me down. He kept his hands on my waist as I studied myself on my own legs before getting rid of the condom and pulling his underwear and jeans back up.

I composed myself and made sure I looked presentable again; the last thing I wanted was for my manager to know what I'd been doing this whole time.

"You were amazing" he said and I turned around to see his head resting against the elevator wall and a smug smile on his lips.

"You were really good, too" I answered as I felt myself blush. Just as he started reaching out to brush the corner of my lips, the elevator starting moving again, taking us both by surprise.

"Lipstick" he mouthed at me and I hurriedly took a small mirror out of my purse and wiped the corner of my mouth with a tissue. The elevator doors opened and I looked up to see that we weren't at my floor. Three men were standing right in front of us and their eyes were on Luke as they suddenly started laughing. He groaned and gave me an apologetic smile before walking out of the lift.

"Thank you, (Y/N)" he murmured before disappearing, leaving me alone and out of breath.,

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