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The sound of fist and sword hitting each other can be heard across the training field of the kingdom of Ansur.

Maia grone as she deflects a fist attempting to hit her face, but she doesn't have time to complain when a roundhouse kick was followed hitting her chin. Maia slide back, if it was a normal human Maia was sure he or she will be knockout by izuku's first blow at the beginning, the only reason why she's still standing is because of the blessing she received by the goddess reborn.

"Can you still keep up, Maia" Izuku question as he look at the red head beauty in front of him. Maia spits the blood in her lips as she gives Izuku a smirk, and disappear in izuku's sight. Izuku deflects a sword at his side as he tries to spartan kick her, but Maia is not a princess knight a shield for nothing , she dodge his kick by spinning 360 followed by a slash directly at Izuku's neck, in return Izuku ducked and did a turning side kick in Maia's chin, Maia jump back as she felt the air pressure passing her body.

"You're not holding back?" Maia feels numb, her body is screaming at her to stop and rest but at the same time her pride as a knight and one of the lucky ones to be chosen by the goddess herself refuses to stop, to defeat this handsome warrior in front of her.

Izuku shrugged and gave her, Maia a warm smile " I've known you for years, we've been a comrades to a friend then Best friend and now a lover, I see all your sides, mentally, emotionally and physically I know all your likes and dislike, and I'm sure as hell you don't like for me to hold back not from you" of course izuku is lying about holding back, if he ever stop holding back he will surely kill Maia and destroy this kingdom and 20 kilometer away from here, with a shockwave alone, that will do when you become the embodiment of quirk, a god

Maia blush when she heard the word 'physically' but smirk when Izuku stop speaking "good thing you know". Maia sprint again directly at Izuku with inhumane speed as Izuku only smile


Maia is breathing hard as she lies down the floor, her body is full of bruises, but she was smiling

"That. Was. The best!!" Maia said as she looked at Izuku in her right side standing looking unharmed, he's not even breathing hard or sweating even a bit. She smiles then exhales with content" this is one of the best fight I've experienced.. thanks"

Izuku smile as he help Maia stand up and give her a piggyback ride Wich Maia accept happily

"So how was it?" Maia asks,  She knows that  this whole fight is nothing but a test and she knows it

"Well, you have a great speed and flexibility, you also use it at it's full potential, you can say I'm really impressed" Maia is happy as Izuku praise her, to say, Maia is proud of herself "but, as we spar I saw that you lack when it comes to strength and agility and when you attack you become unaware of your surroundings, but overall that's all I need to fixed" Maia tighten her hold at Izuku as she cuddle at his neck, a satisfied smile appears on her face as her body finally starts to relax. Maia look at  Izuku though because she's at his back being piggyback ride, she can perfectly see the side of his face. Those perfect freckles, beautiful jawline, the soft lips that if she's being honest, she wants to kiss so badly and finally those, innocent, kind yet mature and sharp eyes perfect for a ruler that always captive her even the first time they met, she can't help it but to blush. Honestly she felt like a school girl that had a crush on those popular boys in school

Izuku look at Maia with a pestered smile "what wrong"

For some reason she felt shy when she heard his voice, and thus she hide her face at his neck"n-nothing"

"Hmmm... alright" Izuku shrugged it, though inside he was smiling smugly, totally amuse by the way she react

Izuku let Maia sit on the bench at the side of the training field as he finally look at her.

Quirk God: Izuku( Izuku in Kuroinu)Where stories live. Discover now