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"Have you picked the recruit you shall be sending?" The king asks, now munching on a glorious silver platter.

"No, not yet your majesty. It seems as if nobody wants to take the job." General Stan Marsh reports back, saddened by the news.

The king continues to feast, "Well then you must do it. Become selfless for this kingdom."

Stan chokes on his words, "Your highness- the elves already know that I am a threat! How would they ever trust me?"

"You are a good liar. Use that for an advantage."

Stan can only nod as he bows and takes his leave. Millions of questions are racing through his head, but he blocks them out and races back to the training grounds.

"Recruits!" He starts, "I have found an undercover agent!"

The recruits seemingly chant, "Who, who?"

"Well, I do not wish to go through with this plan, but since the king has ordered it I shall do as he says. I shall go into the Elven Kingdom and act as their own."

The crowd goes silent, all in awe of this terribly shocking news.

"WOO!" The recruits suddenly cheer, as if an on switch had been flipped.

"Now!" Stan begins, stopping the cheers, "We must train harder than ever for this next battle!"

Stan yawns as he beckons an amber colored dog towards him.

"Sparky, I can't do this forever. Please just give me the mouse?" He pleads.

The dog caves and pads toward Stan, placing a limp mouse at his feet.

"Good boy." The general says warmly.

Stan is going hunting with Sparky like they normally during most evenings. He gives a quick smile before grabbing his knife and skimming the mouse. Stan takes the pelt and places it in a separate pouch.

"Well I don't know about you, but I'm very tired." Stan states, looking at the dog. Sparky barks and flips his ears, continuing to wag his tail.

Stan sighs and gets up, the dog soon following him. They both make it back to Stan's house and eat dinner. Stan begins to dig into a nice cut of pork before remembering something.

I forgot! The Elf King has powers! He thinks, wondering how clueless he must've been to forget this extremely important detail. He needed to report this to the king immediately.

Stan gets up and grabs a small leather pouch used for carrying extra knives and money. He carefully swings it over his belt and yells at the dog, telling him to stay put. Stan opens the door and steps out onto the once again busy street. Wagons are bustling and people are walking this way and that.

Eventually making it to the castle, Stan nods to the main castle door guards as they let him in. He sees the king upon his mighty throne and can't help but gulp as he prepares himself to talk to his highness.

"Stan, what can I do for you?" The king sickly asks, pulling apart some cheese and gulping it down.

"I have news, your majesty." Stan states with a blank face.

"News?" The king pipes up, "Do tell me more."

"The Elven King has powers." Stan winces as he begins to prepare for the barrage from the king.

"Don't be a jester, Stan. That sickening elf has no powers!" The king replies.

Stan knows it is in no fashion to argue with royalty; he puts on a face of regret and walks away. Stan, now walking through the castle gates, sighs.

Two Sides (Stan x Kyle)Where stories live. Discover now