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"Yes, we ate the mushrooms," Kenny admits to Leopold's humorous expression.

"What did they do to you?" He asks, laughing.

Stan smiles, "Kenny saw an acorn creature and I saw a little boy, even though they were not there."

Kenny punches Stan playfully in the arm, "Ah, thou has caught me," he jokes.

All three are sitting down in the corner of the cave, Stan leaning his back against the wall with his knees up, and Kenny and Leopold sitting criss-crossed with heated soup in their laps.

Gregory had kept the soup boiling for the whole day, turning all the vegetables in it into a paste. But, Stan notes, it still tastes good.

Kenny and Leopold continue chatting when suddenly the familiar loud yelling booms out from behind them.

"Gregory this is not a game! You mustn't stop me from finding this weapon!" Damien argues.

"Why shall I give you a weapon that can cause mass destruction?" Gregory counters.

Damien scoffs, "We need the dagger for the sole reason we started this!"

Gregory's eyes flash a green color, but quickly return to normal. He then gets close to Damien and looks at him dead in the eyes, "What was the sole reason we started La Resistance?" He asks.

"To fight-"

"Ah, ah, ah," Gregory shakes a finger, "Try again," he says.

Damien rolls his eyes, "To protect against the war and prevent it from causing harm."

"Very good," Gregory smiles.

Damien looks over, "But of course we are expected to fight! How does one prevent harm from war if there is war?"

"What we are doing, my friend," Gregory states calmly, "We have created a home for people who have escaped the killings."

Damien flares his arms around, "What? This? How shall this make an impact? Gregory- we must fight!"

And with this, Gregory spins around and walks away without another word.

Stan sighs, "Leopold? Do you know what is wrong with Gregory?"

"Oh, whatever do you mean, Stan?" Leopold asks sweetly.

"Well, why does he act so weird when it comes to the topic of fighting. I came here because I want to stop the war, and we must do that by fighting."

Kenny shrugs, "No one is truly sure, for he has been like this ever since we met."

Stan impulsively rises and walks to where Gregory stormed off. He needs answers.

He searches around for the leader before finding him in the same spot Kenny showed him nights ago. Stan crawls in to see a crying Gregory with his arms wrapped around his legs and his face held in his knees.

Stan has never seen Gregory cry, so it is strange to him. However, he hesitantly pats his back reassuringly.

Gregory stifles a sob before raising his head to look at Stan. His cheeks are stained with tears and his nose is running.

Stan exhales, "Gregory, what is happening to you?"

This questions invites the crying to continue, Gregory turning away from Stan in a feeble attempt to be left alone.

"I will not leave until I have answers, we have all been waiting for too long," Stan says firmly.

Gregory gives a tiny nod before wiping his tears, more still flooding out.

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