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The engine of Buck's Jeep purred softly as Eddie, Buck, and Chris parked outside the Grant house. The evening sun cast a warm glow over the neighborhood, setting the stage for what was to come. Inside the car, though, there was a heavy silence, filled with all the stuff they hadn't talked about yet.

Eddie shot a quick look at Buck, who had his hands gripped tight on the wheel, showing the tension between them and their old crew at Station 118. It had been almost a year since the tsunami hit, a wild time that ended with them leaving the station they once called home. They'd been invited to hang out with the gang before, but this was the first time they'd actually said yes. They'd heard that everyone had been doing therapy and making some progress, so Eddie and Buck figured it was time to dip back into the 118 family scene.

Eddie's attention was all on Buck, sensing the whirlwind of emotions his partner was wrestling with. "Hey, Buck," Eddie's voice was steady, a steady stream of reassurance, "if you're not up for this, we can bail. No pressure."

Buck turned to meet Eddie's gaze, his blue eyes showing a mix of uncertainty and resolve. "I get it, Eddie, but we can't dodge them forever. It's just... been a minute, you know?"

Eddie nodded, reaching over the center console to grab Buck's hand, their fingers locking together, offering a solid connection. "I'm right here with you, Buck. We're in this together," Eddie assured him.

As they sat parked, the quiet hung heavy, broken only by distant laughs from the Nash-Grant bash. Buck sucked in a breath, letting it out slow like he was shedding some tension. "Alright, let's do this."

Eddie shot him a reassuring grin, and they both unbuckled, the car doors groaning open. Heading for the Nash-Grant place, the smell of barbecue floated over, teasing their noses. Side by side, Eddie and Buck approached the house. The door swung wide, and the barbecue buzz enveloped them. Eddie, Buck, and Chris stepped in, hoping this reunion would be a patch-up job for the past year.

Athena Grant greeted them at the door, her smile warm and welcoming. The barbecue scent lingered, wrapping them in warm embrace. Her eyes lit up at the sight of Chris, who dashed off to join Denny and Harry in Harry's room, where the sounds of laughter and video games were already cranking up.

"Eddie, Buck, it's so nice to see you!" Athena greeted, her voice full of genuine warmth. "Thanks for coming. Bobby really appreciates it, and, well, so do all of us."

Eddie nodded, matching her smile. "We're glad to be here, Athena. It's been a while, and Chris was excited to hang out with Harry and Denny."

Athena led them further inside. As they got closer to the backyard, where the barbecue was going strong, Athena paused to express her gratitude.

"I know it's been rough for all of us," Athena started, her eyes flicking between Eddie and Buck. "But having you guys here, giving the 118 another shot... it means a lot. Even if you're staying over at the 136, we've all been through so much together, and I believe in the strength of this family."

Eddie shot Buck a look, a silent nod passing between them. The tension from the car ride lingered, but they were both determined to push through. They weren't just here for themselves; they were here for the family they'd built in the chaos of emergency response.

Buck, still sorting through his feelings, managed a genuine grin. "We're here because we're all about this family, Athena. And, truth be told, we've missed you guys."

Athena's gaze softened, getting the realness behind Buck's words. She gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, a sign of understanding and acceptance. "We've missed you too, Buckaroo. Let's make tonight all about catching up, about patching things up. There's so much love in this family, and love has a way of fixing things."

Lieutenant Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now