Chapter 1

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Lucia Martínez

*11 years later

Today I will be starting work for the first time at my new job. I have been hired as an assistant to the CEO of a large company. I am very happy that Jack got me the job and that I am working here.

When I waited for a young woman at reception and was greeted a short time later, she showed me around. I couldn't believe my eyes. Everything is so modern and yet beautifully simple.

Just as I was about to continue looking, I discovered Jack and was all the more pleased. Without him, I wouldn't know anyone here and would just annoy everyone. Now I can just ask him my questions instead of disturbing or annoying my new colleagues or the CEO.

The receptionist and I walk on until she stops in front of a closed door. She knocked on the door and a rough, deep voice said "Come in."

She opens the door and makes a small gesture for me to go in. So I enter the room and she closes the door behind me again.

I walk to the front and stop in front of a large desk. Sitting on the office chair is my new employer - the CEO.

There's a name tag on the desk, which I'm lucky enough to notice. I've already forgotten my boss's name, how embarrassing. I have a quick look at his name - Enrico Armani. Right, that's his name.

Luckily, he's still looking at the wall with the chair and not already watching me, as I'm already nervous enough. But it was obvious that he would turn around right now and eye me.

He scrutinizes me thoroughly, just as I scrutinize him. He has a prominent jaw, brown hair, and unusual hazel eyes. He has a strong presence and his voice doesn't tolerate any retorts.

At some point, he turns his gaze away and looks at the documents in front of him. Then he looks at me again. "Ciao, Ms. Martínez. Nice to welcome you to your new job." he greets me. "Ciao, Mr. Armani." I greet him too. "Thank you for hiring me." I finish my brief greeting.

I hope you won't tell me that I'm nervous. Because he's the reason why I'm so nervous. I can't assess him. I don't know how he would have reacted to a longer greeting. You can't tell anything from his face.

He's like an open book and yet so far away. I look at him, but I can't tell whether he's happy about my brief greeting or whether he thinks I should say more.

It's just hard to know when the person opposite you shows no emotion.

Enrico Armani

She takes a good look at my face. She looks unsettled. I can't blame her. If I were her, I'd look insecure too. If someone was sitting in front of me who didn't show a single emotion and always had a cold face.

She has brown hair and enchanting green eyes. She isn't particularly tall and she is thin. One of her features is her freckles, which make her look innocent. She has a soothing, soft voice that suits her very well.

I notice that she still hasn't sat down in the chair opposite me. So I pointed to the empty seat and said, "Sit down, please." She follows my instructions. She crosses her legs and puts her hands together on her lap.

I watched her the whole time. You can tell that it makes her feel uncomfortable. When she looks up at me briefly, her cheeks turn slightly red. That makes me smile. I'm amused that she's so shy.

Finally, I regained my composure and started talking.

"Ms. Martinez, unfortunately, your CV did not include your previous professional career. Could you please tell me a little bit about it so that I know whether or not you bring experience in this profession? If that's not the case, I should go over everything with you." I said.

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