Chapitre 92 : return home and final reversal

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Sitting at my desk, worry consumes me as I scan the reports and information passing before me. The disappearance of Kinn and Porsche, as well as that of their captors, weighs heavily on my shoulders. Despite all my efforts, I have not yet managed to find their trace.

Every moment that passes without news increases my anxiety, fueling my worst fears and darkest doubts. My family's safety is my top priority, and just thinking about them being in danger makes my blood run cold.

I know I must act quickly, mobilize all my resources and my allies to find Kinn and Porsche before it is too late. But despite all my means and my determination, I feel that time is working against us.

However, I refuse to let myself be overcome by doubt and uncertainty. I know I must stay strong, keep a level head, and act decisively to protect my family and bring my sons home safe.

So I continue to work tirelessly, examining every clue, exploring every lead, determined to find Kinn and Porsche, whatever the cost. Because until I find their trace, my mind will remain tormented by anxiety and uncertainty, haunted by the fear of the unknown.

During this week, Chan and I reviewed all the possible options to get out of this desperate situation. Every idea, every plan was carefully considered, but none proved promising enough to be implemented.

We considered all possibilities: mobilizing our own resources, even an undercover operation to find Kinn and Porsche. But each time, we were faced with insurmountable obstacles, devious traps that made any rescue attempt perilous.

Despite our joint efforts, we had to face the facts: the situation is more complex than expected, the stakes higher than we had imagined. Faced with an enemy as formidable as Tiger's Eye, we are limited in our options, forced to play by its rules.

Yet, even in adversity, I refuse to give up. I know we must remain vigilant, ready to seize every opportunity that presents itself. And while no solution seems obvious yet, I remain confident that we will eventually find a way to bring Kinn and Porsche home, safely.

Chan and I will continue to work tirelessly, exploring every avenue, searching for every clue that could lead us on the path to liberation.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, Gun's lack of direct involvement in the search for Kinn and Porsche is a source of frustration for me. Although he has mobilized some of his contacts and resources, I can't help but feel a certain annoyance at his passive attitude.

As a member of the family, he has a duty to fully invest in resolving this crisis. His status gives him a special responsibility in protecting the family, and his lack of direct involvement is difficult to accept.

I will not fail to express my dissatisfaction to him and remind him of the importance of his commitment in this matter. We must all be united in our determination to find Kinn and Porsche.

In addition, Gun took the risk of leaving the main house to see Vegas and Macau, themselves hidden from Tiger's Eye. Going to see them, even in a place under guard, could potentially expose Gun to unknown dangers.

While I'm moping about my fate, I receive an unexpected call, from a cell number I don't know. Very surprised I picked up.

- Hello ?

- Dad ?

I jump in shock. It's Kinn. I feel intense relief when I learn that he is alive, but at the same time, a deep anguish overcomes me when I hear the sound of his voice, weak and tired.

- Son, where are you? I've been looking for you for days...How are you?

- Dad...I...I'm fine now that I have you on the phone but Dad...Porsche is on the verge of death. 

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