Bumblebee vs BloodMuscles

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The air crackled with tension as Izuku Midoriya and Yang Xiao Long charged at each other on the bridge. The landscape on one side of the bridge shows peaceful farmland while the other is an expansive plains which leads to the sole city on the island.

With enhanced speed, Izuku dashed forward with green lightning leaving a trail in the air while on the opposite end, Yang primes Ember Celica for action, followed by a burst of energy as she propelled herself forward.

The two shared a smile as they collided on the bridge, their respective Berserker Servants, following closely behind. 

The first to strike between the two Berserkers was Red's as she swung one arm full force, launching a Stielhandgranate in Yang's direction. This how ever was intercepted by Blue's Berserker who swatted it like a fly before barreling forward like an enraged bull, as he charged right at Izuku.

The Greenette's eyes widen before he jumped high and over Blue Berserker who was struck by Red Berserker in the Helmet while Izuku came down upon Yang from the air with a kick. 

Yang swiftly dodge the kick before going for a punch herself which was quickly evaded only to be struck in the stomach that was absorbed by her semblance. With a grin she punched Izuku sending him back slightly only for him to return as fast as he left to strike her with another punch.

The two began to exchange hits, with Yang letting Izuku to sometimes punch her while making sure to dodge all of his kick. On the other hand Izuku was punched in the shoulder and chest but thanks to his Quirk he dodges the most hits between them. 

The Servants raged on in their own fist fight as Lancelot wailed like a beast which Nightingale took advantage of to dodge and strike.

While the four continued to fight, Blake who was charging in behind Yang was attack from the shadows by Toga and Red Assassin, The Cat Faunus used her Semblance to evade with a shadow clone which dissipated as the two slashed at it.

Their wasn't time for a break and the Red Master and Servant when straight in for the next attack. Blake stopped Toga's knife with her own Blade while Red Assassin was stopped by Blue's who appeared from the unknown.

It was but a brief moment before all four were right back at it, the assassins being faster than their respective master where the first to disappear within the shadows of the bridges pillars.

As shockwaves from Yang, Izuku and there Berserkers continued to shake the bridge Blake, Toga and the Assassins would randomly appear from the shadows to strike at random. Sometimes Blake would use Gambol Shroud to attack Izuku from a distance which Toga would jump into deflect before disappearing.

Or one of the Assassin would jump out to strike at either the Masters, Berserkers or the other Assassins Master. They each would jump from the shadows or from different position on the bridge then move with quick precise movements that caused sparks to appear within the air surrounding the melee fighters creating a surreal visual to any onlookers.

Both stages of each fight continued on for a while until Toga had enough, then thanks to the aid of her Assassin Servant she managed to find Blake and tackle her back into the open... just in time to dodge a large rock that crashed through a pillar that caused both of them to stop and look in shock.

The rock that destroyed arrived from Blue Berserker who had dug his hands into the ground to throw at Red's Berserker who dodged it, Blue's Berserker now screamed in rage as he then ripped one of the bridges street light out to use as a weapon.

Both Toga and Blake watched while blinking before returning to look at each other when their own Assassin Servants clashed between them breaking them out of their stupor. So back into the fight they went as they clashed now at the end of the bridge that Yang and Blake arrived from.

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