Battlefield Reckoning

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Upon Skylar's command, Saber hoisted Dabi over his shoulder, joined by Archer as they made their escape to the forest. Skylar was already there, her wings retracted to allow her to blend into the forest as they fled.

The Reds, whom they had encountered on the bridge, were a step behind. They quickly regrouped and began their pursuit of the fleeing Blues.

The distance between the two groups grew due to the speed disparity, though this proved inconsequential. As they reached the second bridge, Jack ordered his team to halt just as Iskander arrived in his chariot with an injured Bakugo.

Blake and Yang, who were also on the second bridge, had already moved ahead once Skylar's group passed by. Now, with Jack's order to stop, it was clear they wouldn't catch up, so they decided it was better to rest.


Skylar, Blake, Yang, and Dabi, the final masters of the Blue team, reached the edge of the forest. They paused a short distance from the slope that would lead them back to their starting point within this miniature world.

Once they stopped, Saber gently leaned Dabi against a tree. Skylar swiftly cut another tree to create a bench, which Blake and Yang gratefully used as soon as it fell to the ground.

While the three masters rested, Saber stood, leaning against a tree beside his master. Assassin joined Blake in sitting down, his gaze alert and vigilant. Berserker remained motionless, standing like a statue, an imposing guardian. 

Archer, meanwhile, stood near the lake, looking back at the second bridge in the distance. He noticed a glowing golden light beyond it and smiled knowingly.

With everyone slightly relaxed, Archer turned to face the group, capturing their attention. "So, what's our next move?" he asked, his expression scheming in a way the others failed to notice.

Skylar spoke up, "We need to do something about Dabi. He's injured and won't be able to keep up if we have to move quickly." Yang and Blake remained quiet as Skylar pondered their options.

Archer's eyes gleamed with a manipulative glint. "Perhaps," he suggested smoothly, "Skylar and Blake, along with your Servants, could set up an ambush ahead." After the first suggestion he remained quiet for a brief moment, letting his suggestion sink in.

Then before anyone else could place input he continued speaking "Yang, you might stay back with Berserker to help defend Dabi. Berserkers aren't exactly known for their stealth, after all." His tone was persuasive yet subtly manipulative, weaving his intentions into his suggestion.

Skylar and Blake exchanged a glance, then nodded in agreement. The logic was sound, even if the underlying motives were opaque. As they prepared to set off, Yang waved them goodbye. "Good luck, and stay safe," she said, her concern evident despite her confident facade.

Skylar and Blake, along with Saber and Assassin, quickly moved out to prepare their ambush. Meanwhile, Yang stood guard with Berserker, ready to defend Dabi with unwavering resolve. All while Archer turn to face the golden glow that was now starting to dissipate.


While the Blues rested, the Reds had stopped to tend to Bakugo. More accurately, Berserker used her healing abilities to aid Bakugo while Izuku worried by the boy's side. Toga blushed at the sight of his blood, and Jack simply watched.

It was then that Jack made a decision and finally spoke. "Izuku, you stay here with Berserker until Bakugo is fully healed, then follow after us."

Hearing his name, the green-haired boy looked at Jack, confused, his expression mirrored by Toga and Iskander.

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