Silver vs Dabi

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A hurricane of azure flames erupted from Dabi's outstretched hand, surging forward and devouring a vast expanse with a confident smirk adorned his face as the chaos unfolded. Jack, displaying remarkable agility, swiftly dodged to the side while controlling the flames to subtly shift, creating the illusion that they narrowly missed him.

In response to the fiery onslaught, Jack deftly drew a substantial revolver. Then with practiced precision, he ignited the bullet in blue flames, causing to transform into a molten, speeding mass after it left the barrel. The projectile began to meld with the blue flames that surrounded it, forming a lethal, flaming metal liquid.

Meanwhile, a secondary bullet, moving in perfect harmony, intercepted the flaming liquid mid-air, creating a dazzling display of controlled chaos while simultaneously, another bullet hurtled towards Jack's head. 

In a synchronized motion, Archer, displaying unparalleled speed, grabbed Dabi and leaped to higher ground just as Saber materialized in front of Jack, effortlessly taking the incoming bullet as though it were a mere inconvenience. 

The tension reached its zenith as the two opposing forces stood in a standoff, Dabi looked confident as he surveyed from above, while Archer, cool and sly, assessed everything with a hint of superiority.

On the other hand, Saber maintained his guard while standing by Jack's side, who narrowed his eyes, keeping an eye on the two above them, silently contemplating a plan.

He then holstered his revolver calmly, his gaze steady. "Ready, Saber?"

Saber nodded as Jack unsheathed his longsword from his back, both warriors getting into ready stances. "Always."

Dabi, undeterred, conjured another surge of azure flames, escalating the heat on the battlefield as Jack's blade glowed intensely with blue flames, creating a formidable barrier against the encroaching inferno. 

Archer, recognizing Jack's strategic defense, grinned slyly and deftly moved around, preparing to engage him while Saber positioned himself to intercept the flames with his own body.

Archer taunted, "Seems like you've been outmaneuvered, Master of Red!"

Jack smirked, his confidence unwavering "No worries, I like a challenge."

"Saber, go after Archer's master. I'll buy you some time." Saber, ever ready for action, responded to his master's command by advancing purposefully toward Dabi "Let's bring this to an end."

Dabi, unyielding, redirected the surging azure flames toward Saber with heightened intensity as the blistering heat created a formidable barrier, slowing Saber's advance and pushing him back. 

Despite the fiery onslaught, Saber pressed forward, his indomitable will driving him through the jet of flaming blaze with the onslaught dealing no damage, but the sheer force of the flames made every step a struggle.

Archer let out a rapid-fired assault of bullets in Jack directions, who responded in kind by raising his longsword, coated in an ethereal blue glow in challenge.

In a surreal moment, time seemed to slow as Jack anticipated the deadly trajectory of each bullet. With lightning reflexes, he gracefully dodged some, his nimble footwork avoiding the lethal metal rain. For the bullets he couldn't evade, he swung his longsword with unmatched precision—a dance of steel meeting lead.

To onlookers, it appeared as if the very air rippled with the speed of his blade. The longsword moved in a mesmerizing sequence, intersecting each speeding bullet with impossible accuracy. Some were deflected harmlessly, redirected off their path, while others met the sharp edge of Jack's blade.

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