Entering the Field - Red

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"Now, before you all go, I will repeat the rules one more time... Even if I don't want to, but you're all morons, and it would also be best if the servants also knew the rules.

So, here they are once again:

You can eliminate someone by either: a) killing the summoner b) killing the servant.

Anything goes; this is my world, and it's empty. So go all out and destroy whatever you want. I honestly don't care.

This is a team deathmatch, so the last man standing wins it for their team. Don't be afraid to sacrifice yourself to get the win.

Upon death by either yourself or a servant, you will instantly be teleported back to the theater to watch the rest of the match.

Now, as a final parting gift because I'm feeling nice, a map per team for the whole team to share... Oh, Jester has also designated the newcomers as the leaders for each team." A map was then forcefully given to them, and they were all suddenly dropped out of the sky.

The servants treated it like everything was normal while the master began to panic. The height was sure to kill them, and even those from Remnant believed the same as the island started off as a tiny speck in their vision.

One by one, the servants would hold onto their master in some way, with Gilgamesh reluctantly doing it in an effort to aid them in landing. But before they struck the ground, they all seemingly froze in time, kicking up a large cloud of dust around them.

The dust soon clears, allowing them to look around and inspect their environment. In front of them was a large mansion overlooking a city of mediocre size but with towering skyscrapers all reaching to the height of the surrounding mountain.

Connecting at the top of each tower, along with the surrounding mountains, are hangers to keep them stable and pathway bridges.

Then, following the mountain around leads to a large opening to see the ocean with a more green commune with fewer homes, and just out of sight of this is a green plains-like area leading towards a small bridge for vehicles.

Jack, with the map in hand, moved towards one of many stone blocks that lines along the road just in front of the mansion and put the map on top of it, only to step back in surprise as it fused with the rock and created a more three-dimensional rocky version.

Along with this, seven earpieces spawned onto the map, which the team now surrounded.

After putting the earpieces in, they all began to inspect the map, while Bakugo gave it a quick once-over before pointing towards a tunnel that was on the other side of the city to their location. "I'm going there so the rest of you can go somewhere else."

After his declaration, he began to leave. "You can't leave yet." Halting in place, Bakugo slowly turns around to glare at Jack, who looks right back uninterested. With a twitchy eye, he sets off an explosion. "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS BULLS***. COME ON, OLD MAN, WE'RE LEAVING NOW."

With an angry stomp, he begins to walk away to the cliff edge that overlooks the city, with Iskandar bellowing with laughter while following along with a large smile "Now that is more like it, facing the enemy head-on with nothing but your fists and fierce will."

Bakugo glances back at the servant before jumping off the cliff and using his explosions to fly towards the tunnel. Iskandar, seeing this, summons his chariot to fly after his master with a large smile the entire time.

Back with the rest of the red team, Jack turns back to the map with a sigh to see Weiss and Izuku looking at it, with the latter looking slightly in the direction, sweating and also mumbling ideas while inspecting the map.

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