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She's perfectly misaligned. I'm caught up in her design and how it connects to mine.

Rhea's POV:

That day was hard, and so were the following two months, to be honest.

Having to pretend that Y/N and I weren't together again was not an easy task when all we could think about was each other. With it, to act like nothing happened between us was deeply exhausting. All I wanted to do was to stay close to her, but every time her agency and the Judgement Day needed to work side by side, Y/N would simply disappear. She would go on tasks that would take her as far away from me as possible and preferably kept her from even looking in my direction. I understood her, though, we couldn't look at each other without it giving our secret away and I myself was physically incapable of keeping a 'safe' distance from her. The time passed and it didn't get any easier. Having to pretend I barely know her and flirting with Dom (he was the management's chosen one for the 'strategy' at the moment) in a convincing way was proving to be harder than it already was when I was traveling a lot because now I could see how much it affected Y/N.

"Rhea... What is this?" She asked one night when we were almost falling asleep. Or at least I was. Y/N was staring at the ceiling anxiously fumbling with her vape. We made a deal that she could only vape inside, but only in 'emergencies' and preferably not in the bedroom. I needed a smoke-free sleep and she needed to quit it, so that was the agreement we could make. I could see she was trying her best not to smoke inside.

"What do you mean?" I ask, genuinely confused, even though she has been a bit quiet lately, so I know there is something bothering her.

"What do I mean to you, Rhea?" I light up the lamp on my nightstand to take a good look at her face. She's biting her lips, eyes lost. Y/N gets like this when the things are coming from the heart rather than from the brain. At the same time I am glad that she's opening up more, it still hurts me to see how she comes and goes in waves, bottling everything in until it finally overflows. I know that she does it because she doesn't want to annoy me, despite me telling her countless times she wouldn't, trauma is embedded like that in her.

Love has a bittersweet taste, I guess. Her pain becomes my pain too and yet, I wouldn't trade what we have for anything else because heaven knows I'm so head over heels for Y/N that I will never be able to get over her and go back to how life was before her. I would do anything she wanted me to. Hell, I would stay away if she wanted, simply waiting for years if I had to. I would let her drag me through hell without thinking twice if it meant I could hold her hand in the end.

"What.. are we? Like, where does all this 'don't know you at all by day and love you to death by night' leaves us?" She continues. There's pain in her voice and I fear she might be ending things with me. I'm scared of what she may say if I ask, but I know I have to.

"Where do you want it to leave us?" I'm scared of what she might say next. She stays silent while she stares deeply into my eyes.

"I know you said you don't care about labels... A-and I don't mind if we don't date, but I have to know what this is. Are we having a fling? Are fucking? Are we best friends? Something in between that?" She gives up and starts vaping, the smell of watermelon filling the air seconds after, looking away from me. It's in the moment I catch her lie: it does matter to her.

She wants to be mine.

"Alright, let me change that.. Girlfriend." I pull her by her waist into a kiss when she gives me that smile. The night heats up from there and I have to go to the gym having slept only two hours, but it was worth it.

A couple days later, I asked her properly to be my girlfriend. I made a nice homemade dinner, bought some wine and flowers, as well as a ring that had a small diamond with one obsidian on each side, perfectly entangled in some swirled design. I decorated my dining room with the red roses I bought, and some black ornaments that made it very... Us.

When I opened the door, I froze: she's always hot but that day, wow. The short leather skirt with a lace corset combined perfectly with the oversized chiffon blouse and the black thighs. She's not wearing a bra so her nipple piercing is slightly noticeable through the fabric. Hot. Black chunky-heeled boots on her feet. The chains and necklaces she wore around her neck brought light to her face. Her lips are deep red and the makeup has dark warm tones, highlighting the light color of her eyes.

The best part? Her outfit matched perfectly with mine, I was wearing an all-black suit and my hair slicked back. I wish I could take her out and show her to the world.

"Is it too much?" She asks, insecurely closing the jacket in an attempt to hide herself.

"You're... wow. I-You look amazing." I kiss her gently before guiding her inside with my hand on her lower back.

"Wow, you really outdid yourself with this decoration." Is the first thing Y/N says when she gets inside, taking her jacket off. It was the middle of november so the weather was a bit chilly.

For the rest of the night, we eat, talk, drink and laugh. It feels so good being with her.

Once our laughter died down a bit, I started the speech I have been preparing ever since that night, but it had proven to be much harder to say it with her piercing blue eyes staring into mine.

"Y/N.. I-fuck, I had prepared a whole speech for tonight, to say how much I fucking love you and how I know it's shitty I can't come out with you just yet and sometimes I feel like it's too much to ask from my part for you to be mine on these terms but-"


You interrupt Rhea's rambling with a kiss. It wasn't a secret that she was going to ask you properly tonight, you two even chose the best night together. She laughs a little and looks down. Is Rhea Ripley blushing right now?

"Yes, of course I want to be your girlfriend, dumbass." You say with a smile so big on your face you're afraid your cheeks might tear. You can't believe she's nervous to ask you again to be her girlfriend. "I don't care that we are a secret as long as we are, well... us . As long as we can be together." You say kindly, holding her face in both your hands.

"I love you so much, I hope you know that." Rhea sighs. You smile sheepishly: you don't understand how someone like her would fall for someone like you, but you accept it (that is what your therapist told you to do).

"I love you too." You smile.

"I promise, though, one day the whole world will know you're mine." You smile again, it feels like the only thing you can do, even with your lip slightly quivering. Why do you feel like crying? She grabs your hand with both of hers and continues. "I know you may think you're not enough for me, or that I deserve better, but I don't want anything other than this, I don't want anyone beside you. Ever since we met, I became more and more in love with you , the way you randomly chat during your 2AM radio, the way you laugh, the way you say my name. I'm obsessed with the way you bend and break with makeup running down your face. Hell, even the way you slowly smoke makes me more inebriated by you. I fell in love with all of you, the goods and the bads. Nobody is perfect, and I love the way your flaws fit perfectly with mine." You do, in fact, have makeup running down your face because of the tears right now. It is not often that you felt this loved before. 

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