The softcake and her guard dog

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a/n: YOOOOOOOOO RHEA IS BACK IM SO HAPPY, everything that was wrong in the universe was fixed the second her song started playing, its bizarre how much my happiness depende on a buff goth woman that doesn't know i exist, also liv you better prepare yourself because my girl is absolutely going to destroy you// tell me your thoughts and theories about this story and about Rhea's return, wanna know it all

The look she gives me reminds me of the look in the attack dog's eyes in the aptitude test: a vicious, predatory stare. She wants to rip me to pieces. - Veronica Roth


"So, Rhea, you just came out with your girlfriend on your instagram recently and that exploded the internet. Tell us, how has it been?"

You pick at your cuticles nonstop as you watch Rhea's interview through the small television in the dressing room. You were already in Los Angeles for Wrestlemania 39 in three days. She's been bringing you along on her media days since things were so hectic the days prior to Wrestlemania that the only time you could have with each other was in between interviews and appearances. Although you kinda like being around, the fact that a lot of interviewers are not following the script by focusing on your relationship instead of her wrestling makes you jittery. Gladly, it was the last one of the day.

"I fail to see where this is any of your business, Ashley..." The Rhea Ripley persona was heavy in her voice, but you could see how she was struggling to keep the corners of her mouth from going up. You roll your eyes: your girlfriend is the biggest softcake ever "... but it's been great, yeah, we've been great, she makes me happy and well I guess I make her happy too." At this point you were entirely melted on your chair.

Again: softcake. You start to think about what her reaction will be when you start calling her that.

The interview follows on, asking about the acceptance of the public with her not being straight, her plans after Wrestlemania, so on and so forth. You couldn't pay too much attention though because you could feel Jennifer entering the room. Her nauseating sweet perfume announces it.

"You know, even if I understand why you would want to burn holes into my skull with your stare, I suggest you don't, it makes a mess, in case you haven't seen The Boys yet." You tell her without even looking at her. She is leaning against the door in the back of the room while you are so close to the TV your knees are almost touching it.

"I don't know what she sees in you." Geez, here we go.

"I don't either but I sure as hell know what she sees in you." You gave her a vague answer in hopes that she would take the bait.

"See? Even you admit she will get with me in the end."

"That's not what I said." You stand up and start walking toward her, a smirk forming on your lips.

"Oh and what did you mean then?" You laugh. Years of marketing made you good at making people bite it.

"Oh Jenny, can't you see it? You never wanted Rhea, you wanted to control her, just to know that you could have her eating at the palm of your hand, making her feel guilty for not "retributing" what you did for her, for feeling her own feelings." She tries to stop you but you speak over her voice. "No wonder she wouldn't love you back." I turn but then decide to finish it. "You're a rude, self-serving, manipulative sorry excuse and may a lightning strike me right now if someone as golden as Demi would ever fall for someone as rotten as you! " Venom is leaking on every word but you couldn't care less.

Jennifer's face flushes with anger and embarrassment, but she doesn't respond because Rhea walks in at that exact moment, sensing the tension.

"Hey Demi, didn't know you needed an attack dog." She says, not breaking your stare.

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