Nothing is Bloody Alright, Paul!

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John awoke to an absolutely bustling city. One he'd never actually seen before. Lights were smothered into one big amalgamation.
He rubbed his eyes, hoping that what he was seeing wasn't real.
Yet, it was.
This wasn't London, nor Liverpool.
This was Times Square, New York.
It wasn't like John knew that, either.
John was quite alarmed—and confused at what he was seeing. Vibrant signs were all throughout the area. He stood up, still very confused. He'd never actually seen this much bright color in one city. John also noticed that most people he saw walk by were carrying around these small, rectangular objects. These, he were completely unfamiliar with. His outfit also did not match what everyone else was wearing.
He also needed to know if Paul was anywhere near the area. His surroundings were completely unfamiliar.
That would mean having to shout as loud as possible and embarrass himself, in which John was not too fond of doing. However, it would benefit him lots if he even were to find Paul at all.
John took a deep breath, readying himself to actually yell out.
He chose to walk a few more steps, looking ahead of the many people in front of him. Catching sight of someone with black hair, and a height alike to that of Paul's, he dashed across the bustling road, not caring too much for anything else.
"Paul!" John shouted as he wove through the many people. He was surprised that no one was noticing him, judging by their current immense popularity.
He finally caught sight of Paul, who was much more calmer than John expected.
"Paul! Do you know where we are, because I absolutely don't!" John exclaimed, placing his hands on Paul's shoulders.
"John, calm down, everything's alright—"
"What do you mean, 'everything's alright'? From what I've experienced, nothing is bloody alright!" John yelled in frustration.
"Well, from what I've heard, we're in New York City. It's also no longer 1964," Paul explained.
"What do you mean by no longer?"
"It's 2023. I'm not too sure what has happened, but we do seem to be in the future."
"How could you possibly know all of this?" John questioned loudly.
"Met a fan earlier, she told me all that I just told you now. Quite interesting, really," Paul shrugged.
"Does that mean that you know what those small squares that everyone holds are?" John asked with a hint of anticipation on his voice.
"Yeah, they're phones, actually. You're able to do lots more than just call people on them now," Paul informed. John's eyes widened in curiosity.
"Well, do you know how we could get one, then?" John questioned.
"You have to buy one, but I'm not too sure if we have any fitting currencies."
John had a disappointed look on his face, but was still thinking about what he could do.
"You know, we should just find George and Ringo. I think that we could probably figure out how to get us out of this predicament much better as a group," Paul suggested.
"Yeah, Poor Richie. He's most likely horrified," John murmured, trying to repress a smile.
After a few moments of silence, Paul finally spoke.
"Let's go, then!" he exclaimed, running off. John chased after him, surprised at how fast they were both running. He didn't think much of anything besides what was currently happening. The small smile he attempted to hide turned into a grin.

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