Chapter 3: Faced With The Infamous Killer

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[2nd Person POV]

. . .

What stood infront of you was a tall man. You couldn't see him very well, but he sure is tall.

Your eyes, full of tears, as it starts to feel sore.

You're a mess, but you sat there on the ground paralyzed while looking up the tall man infront of you.

He spoke? You can't seem to see his mouth move, you can hear his voice, but you can't seem to hear his words.

As he was done speaking, you felt yourself replying to the man.







You woke up from a nightmare. You only remembered what you said to the tall man. You sighed, this day couldn't get any worst... Or so you thought.

You got up, brushed your teeth, changed your clothes, prepped some breakfast and started to work, while waiting for you laptop to open you were on your phone, scrolling on social media. You logged into your laptop and started to manage on some stuff.

[Meanwhile / BEN's POV]

I sat as I watch the news on replay seeing what I've done. That should surely get them to delete my number. How the f*ck did they even get it anyway...

Though, something is bugging me. I connected my nintendo to the TV and switched the TV to HDMI. I thought this would put my mind at ease.

Turns out it still wouldn't. Oh well.

[Back to you / 2nd Person POV]

As hours went by, You finally finished your work. Something seems to be bugging you, but you don't know what. So you decided to put your mind at ease by giving yourself a ride. You grabbed your helmet and your keys and went to the parking lot. You started your motorbike and drove off.

Moments went by you made it to the forest. You got off your motorbike parked it and went into the forest. You were walking to the only place you knew what could ease your mind. You made it to a cliff where it had and amazing view, you say down and enjoyed the view. Though you still couldn't get your mind off about what happened to your friend. Then you suddenly got a call. You picked it up.

"Hello, good afternoon, is this [Y/N] [L/N]?" It was a female's voice.

"Yes, speaking?"

"We'd like to interview you due to your friends sudden death. Would that be alright?"

Ofcourse you'd get interviewed, they were last seen with you.

"Sure, I don't mind, just send me the location and time and I'll be there."

"Okay, we'll send you the location via message so be there by 5 pm. Thank you for your cooperation."

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