Chapter 4: It's a pleasure to finally meet you

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[Text w/ ???]

Y/N : "What do you want? I thought you wanted me to delete this number."

Unknown : "Don't get cocky now dollface. I know where you've been, I've been spying on you ever since the first call."

Y/N  : "I knew you were stalking on me. I never wanted to be so right with it..."

Y/N : "What the f*ck do you want from me?"

Unknown : "You."

[2nd Person POV]

You were shocked and confused with his response. Is he flirting with you or threatening you? Surely a threat, but damn. You flinched as you heard your TV go static once again, it changed into another channel. In there, was shown a silhouette... As if someone was in the TV. It was a video game character. Except he has different features standing out the most. His eyes were pitch black and his pupils or iris was dark glowing red. There was tears of blood dripping off of his eyes. He made a sudden move, you flinched. He reached out, and as his hand was getting closer to the screen, his hand popped out of the screen! You stood up and went behind the couch, grabbing what you can get your hands on while staring at the TV. As he was half out of the screen, he smiled at you. Your fight or flight instinct came in, you chose both. You threw whatever was in your hand and rushed through your door.

"Why wont this stupid door wont budge!?" You were panicking, trying to excape. It didn't take long enough for the figure to be already right behind you.

"Don't worry, I won't bite"

His voice was glitchy, as if it was too unreal. You quickly looked behind you. You tried to sweep him off the floor, it backfired, he was now on top of you.

"There's nowhere to run now! You're mine now.."

You were struggling to get him off of you. He's too strong! You lost hope and accepted your fate. "Whatever you're gonna do, do it now! I've got no hope to even try to survive..." You said. The man seems to be smiling in satisfaction. He stood up. You were suddenly... tied up!? How did that happen?? He picked you up and settled you down at the couch.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you." He said with a smile. "The name's BEN, BEN Drowned." You sat there in silence. Is this all real? "It's rude to give me a silent treatment you know." He said angrily. "You killed my friend, why the f*ck would you think I'd give you a greeting." You were mad, mad at everything at him. He took your friends life, which wasn't even their fault to make such mistake. He glared at you. "Watch that tone of yours." He replied in a rough tone.

"I killed them because they disturbed me during my game. Be thankful I didn't do that to you the first time." He replied. "How can I be thankful when my friend is dead!? They're dead because of you! you—" You shouted out. "Watch it. Blame their death to yourself. If you didn't share your silly little situation to them, it wouldn't end up this way." "You monster." You growled out. His reply really ticked you off. He smirked. "That is who I am, dickhead." 'You're the dickhead'  You thought to yourself. "Now if you don't mind I'll be staying here in a few nights or so." That reply made you surprised. "I'm sorry— What?! No way in hell I'm letting you stay here!" "No need, because I'm making myself stay here."

'This hard headed bastard.' You thought to yourself.

[Your POV]

Moments went by, this BEN bastard quickly made himself at home. If I get out of here I will STRANGLE this guy. He went to sleep by sleeping in my room as I was left still in the couch tied up still. I tried to untie myself but no matter what I do, it wont work.

I could try calling for help, but if I did, he'd kill me like what he did to my friend. I could also try to find something to escape from this rope, but he doubled the rope and tied me against the couch. Sigh...

I quickly doze off sooner later and woke up seeing him already right infront of me. "GAH!— SHIT, YOU'RE UP TOO CLOSE ASSHOLE." "Rude" He replied. "So were you during the first call." "I was disturbed by my game, and quickly lost." He replied angrily. This bitch just wont shut up about his game. "Oh, I'm so sorry to disturb your game." I said in a childish tone to tick him off. I know it wasn't a good idea to do that, but I really wanted to let it out on him after what he had done. "You're acting as if that game was your life support. Quit acting like a child." I said. He glared at me. "That's it, I'm no longer letting you go." He said. That shocked me. "W-wait no!- I-..." He looked at me as if that's what he wanted to hear from me. "You what?" He replied. "I..." "Cat got your tongue?" He smirked at me. "I'm sorry..." I said, thinking he'd let me go after that. "Haha, apology accepted. But don't think I'd let you go that easily." God how much I wanted to strangle this guy...

Moments went by. I'm still tied up. What does he want from me?? What does he need?? Will he ever leave me alone. Then suddenly something or someone appeared from behind him.
"BEN. What are you doing."

Wrong Number {BEN Drowned x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now