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In her newly assigned chambers, Winona found herself surrounded by opulence fit for a queen. The richly adorned room spoke of extravagance, with velvet drapes cascading down tall windows, gilded mirrors reflecting grandeur, and a bed draped in silken fabrics.

Though the physical torment had ceased, Winona's body still bore the ache of the lashes endured. As the realization settled in, the weight of the impending wedding hung heavily in the air. Tonight, she was to marry the very beast she had once sought to eliminate.

They say to befriend the devil to outdo him, and that's precisely what Winona planned to do. In the face of treacherous circumstances, she steeled herself.

As Winona stood in the lavish confines of her assigned chambers, three maids surrounded her, each holding a different corset. The rich fabrics shimmered in the dim light, and Winona could feel the weight of the impending marriage pressing down on her shoulders.

The first maid stepped forward, holding a deep crimson corset adorned with intricate golden embroidery.
"This one, my lady, would accentuate your figure and make you the most stunning bride," she suggested with a hopeful smile.

The second maid, holding a corset of midnight black with silver lacing, chimed in,
"But this one, it exudes an air of mystery and power. Perfect for a woman of your strength."

Winona glanced at herself in the ornate mirror, her frown deepening. The third maid, holding a corset in a shade of royal blue, added her opinion,
"This one would bring out the color in your eyes, my lady. A regal choice for a queen."

As the maids debated the merits of each corset, Winona kept a critical eye on her reflection.
"I care little for the color or embroidery. Just make sure it's tight enough to remind me I'm still alive," she remarked with a dry tone, earning a cautious look from the maids.

The first corset was laced tightly around her, the intricate patterns molding to the curves of her body. Winona, however, found it restricting, like a cage that threatened to suffocate her.
"Too constricting," she stated, her dissatisfaction evident.

The second corset, in midnight black, followed suit. The silver lacing was deftly tightened, creating a stark contrast against her pale skin. Winona felt the cool touch of the fabric, but it still didn't sit well with her.
"Mysterious, perhaps, but not my preference," she said, her gaze fixed on her reflection.

Finally, the royal blue corset was placed around her. As the maids worked diligently to lace it up, Winona observed herself in the mirror. The color did complement her eyes, but the symbolism of marrying in such a shade left a bitter taste in her mouth. "It's bearable," she conceded, not entirely satisfied but willing to compromise.

The maids exchanged glances, seemingly unsure of Winona's elusive preferences.
"My lady, perhaps a gown fitting will bring us closer to your desired look," the first maid suggested, attempting to steer the conversation away from the corset ordeal.

As the maids transitioned to selecting gowns, the discussion evolved into the intricate details of embroidery, fabric flow, and overall design. Winona, despite her initial reluctance, found herself drawn into the conversation. The distraction allowed her mind to momentarily escape the impending marriage and the lurking shadows of Draconovia.

In the midst of the gown fittings, the maids shared stories of past royal weddings in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere.

Winona's curiosity was piqued when the mention of the king's previous marriages slipped into the chattering conversations of the maids. As she stood in the midst of gown fittings, the air in the lavishly adorned chamber suddenly felt charged with unspoken secrets.

"The king has been married?" Winona asked, a furrow forming on her forehead. The revelation caught her by surprise, and her interest was undeniably stirred.

The first maid, still adjusting the delicate lace on Winona's gown, exchanged glances with her companions. The second maid, with a hint of caution in her voice, replied, "Oh yes, my lady. King Aurelius has had several queens before."

Winona's eyes narrowed slightly, her gaze focused on the maid.
"What happened to them?" she inquired, her tone a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

The maids, momentarily pausing their work, shared uneasy glances. The third maid, her fingers delicately working on the intricate details of Winona's gown, spoke up with a hushed voice,
"Each queen met a tragic fate, my lady. It's said that they were fine one day, and the next..."

She let the words linger, allowing the weight of the unsaid to settle in the room. Winona's expression tightened as she absorbed the implication.

"They died," the first maid finished, her eyes reflecting a mix of pity and fear.
"One after the other, in circumstances that remain shrouded in mystery."

Winona processed the information, a chill creeping down her spine. The maids resumed their work, but an unspoken tension lingered in the air. The room, once filled with the light banter of gown fittings, had taken a somber turn.

"How did they die?" Winona pressed further, determined to uncover the truth behind the ill-fated queens.

The second maid sighed, her hands skillfully adjusting the royal blue gown.
"No one knows for sure, my lady. Some say illness, others claim accidents. But the rumors... they hint at something darker, something unnatural."

As the maids shared the unsettling rumors surrounding the queens' deaths, Winona's mind whirred with speculation. Could there be a pattern to these tragedies, or was it merely coincidence? The maids' pitiful comments echoed in her ears, adding to the weight of the revelation.

"It's as if a curse looms over the queens of Draconovia," the third maid added, her voice hushed.
"A curse that claims them in the prime of their lives."

Winona, now acutely aware of the potential danger she faced, contemplated the implications of becoming the next queen. The intricate dance of power within the court seemed to weave a tapestry of tragedy for those who ascended to the position.

As the maids continued their work, the chamber became a backdrop for both the physical transformation of Winona and the unveiling of the kingdom's haunting history. The allure of the royal gown faded in the face of the ominous revelation.

Winona, silent observer in her own transformation, now bore the knowledge of a dark legacy. Her quest to eliminate King Aurelius and free Draconovia from his oppressive rule had taken on a new dimension-one entangled with the enigma of the cursed queens and the looming shadows that haunted the court.
Her mind turning to a battleground of determination and the foreboding truth that she was about to become part of a tragic history that repeated itself with chilling consistency.

As the gown fittings continued, a subtle camaraderie began to form between Winona and the maids.
The laughter and banter filled the room, momentarily masking the underlying tension that lingered.

Amid the gowns and laces, Winona found herself appreciating the respite, even if temporary.

As the last gown fitting concluded, Winona stood adorned in a regal creation of deep blue silk and silver thread. The intricate embroidery depicted dragons intertwined with thorns, a symbolic representation of her entwined fate with King Aurelius.

The maids stepped back, admiring their work.
"You look like a queen, my lady," the second maid complimented, her eyes sincere.

Winona met her gaze in the mirror, a flicker of acknowledgment in her eyes. The royal blue gown, despite its symbolism, bore a certain elegance that even she couldn't deny.

The door to her chambers creaked open, and a servant announced,
"My lady, it is time. The king awaits in the grand hall."

A heavy sigh escaped Winona's lips. The respite was over. The impending marriage and the shadows of Draconovia awaited her beyond the confines of her lavishly adorned chambers. The maids, sensing her unease, exchanged glances but maintained their professionalism.

With a final adjustment of her gown, Winona steeled herself for the journey ahead. The maids, understanding the weight of the situation, followed her in solemn silence as she made her way to the grand hall, where the ruthless king awaited and the destiny of Draconovia hung in the balance.

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