Chapter 22: Experiments & Plans

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Around the side of the outpost, Hange had an entire outdoor workshop set up. Multiple tables were filled with all sorts of scientific instruments, devices, notebooks, and drawings. I glanced at one of the tables as I walked by and saw a crudely done drawing of a Titan with a class rating next to it. According to everything I'd seen and heard, 15 meters was the average height of a Titan with the Colossal Titan being the one exception.

Hange: Ah, right on time.

I sighed as Hange revealed herself to us. She had her glasses raised over her head while working but quickly lowered them once we arrived. Moblit was following her while carrying a bunch of documents.

Y/n: Make this quick. I've got a meeting with the commander later.

Hange: Don't you worry about a thing. What I want you to do is simple. Do you see that well over there?

I glanced to the right and saw the well she spoke of.

Y/n: What about it?

Hange: We're going to lower you into it and have you activate your Titan powers.

Y/n: Why? Weren't you in Trost? The commander and the captain both saw me do it.

Hange: I want to see what happens if you transform in a confined space.

Y/n: That's it?

Hange: Yes.

Y/n: Let's just get this over with then.

I walked over to the well. There was a ladder inside that reached to the bottom. I climbed inside and slid down. The moment my feet touched the ground, the ladder was pulled up and out. Seconds later I saw Hange poke her head over the side.

Hange: I'm going to fire a green flare. When you see it, that's your signal to transform. Got it?

Y/n: Yeah.

Hange: Good.

Her face disappeared from the top. I leaned against the cobblestone wall of the well while I waited for the flare. This whole thing was ridiculous. Hange's psychotic obsession with Titans and the way they worked would be the death of her someday. She would eventually bite off more than she could chew because she was unable to restrain herself.

I heard a loud sound followed by the hissing of the flare being fired. Looking up, I saw a pillar of green smoke. Standing up straight and in the center, I bit down on my hand. Just like before, I felt a tingly sensation cross over my body. Ten seconds later, I was staring at everyone through the eyes of my Titan, albeit at an odd angle. I was completely stuck in place and unable to move.

Hange: HAHAHA, look Moblit! He's all lopsided!

Moblit(sighs): it's too early for this.

Hange: Doesn't he look so funny like that?

Moblit: You want my opinion, section commander? Stop laughing or you'll piss him off.

Hange: He won't get angry, I know that for a fact.

Moblit: How?

Hange: Because if he lashes out, his ass is grass. Even if he wanted to he couldn't. Isn't that right Y/n?

I was growing tired of this. She never took anything seriously and now she had the gall to taunt me. Not wanting to take her crap anymore, I pulled my arms free of the tendrils of flesh holding them in place and emerged from the nape. I jumped down from my steaming Titan and walked over to them.

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