Chapter 8

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It was another normal sunny day in mobius. Well not for Emerald High. As the police force along with professional detectives are on the case of these murdering students. The rumor in Emerald High start to spread wild fire. It has been on the live news as well.

So the teacher's has decided to take the students on an trip. Without anymore worries or any more murder. So today the students of Emerald High are on a huge parking lot with a few around 7 or 10 busses. They were all waiting so is our mobian friends who are chatting with one another waiting for the busses to start their engine and the driver to get prepared.

"I'm glad we're going along with this field trip that the teachers set for us" Amy spoke in such delight.

"Mhm! It was very sweet of them right Cheese?" Cream asked the chao on her head and Cheese nodded in replied.

"Chao! Chao!" Cheese respond happily with his tiny hands raised up in the air.

"Yeah...but of course to distract us from those murder incidents happening on our school grounds" Scourge replied as put his red sunglasses on and placed his hands in his jacket pockets.

"I mean yeah but at least we're going to have fun" Silver replied and tried to be positive about this.

"Silver's right, it's not like everyday we can go somewhere nice and peaceful" Sonic replied with a grin on his face.

While they all busy chatting one another about the trip and random stuff. Shadow was on his phone scrolling through his noted list of the crossed off and non crossed of victims or students. So he didn't pay attention to anything but keep his guard up.

Rouge was watching Shadow feeling slightly worried and concerned on what his planning. She should keep an eye on him, whatever it is she doesn't like it at all.

Few minutes past all the students even their teachers who is in each bus watching the students over them. As they were all doing their usual activities like chatting, reading and looking through their phones.

And Sonic was reading through a book that he brought called "The Tales of King Arthur". While he busy reading that book. Shadow was sitting beside him looking out of the view as their hands were on the armchair of the bus. As it was touching slightly. Shadow just take one glance at their hands before shifting his eyes back to the view out of the window.

Shadow slowly and slightly moved his hands closer to sonic's without sonic noticing. Then shadow hold sonic's hand gently and his used his thumb to caresses sonic's hand gently.

Sonic then felt someone or something is rubbing his hand. He take look on what it was or who it was. And he saw Shadow's hands holding his. So sonic start to felt butterflies in his stomach all of a sudden. Sonic then quickly shifted his head and eyes away and pretend he didn't notice and try to continue reading his book with a flushed face. Well his trying too.

Both hedgehog's we're looking away from each other minding their own business while their hands were holding each other. One was looking out of the bus window while the other one reading his book and was flustured from their hands holding each other.

The trip seems like forever to arrive their destination so when night falls students start to fall asleep. With no sounds just the bus driving through the highway in the night. As inside the bus surroundings was quiet with every student's falling asleep.

Of course Shadow was still wide awake looking through the window watching the cars pass by and the lights. Then he sudden felt a weight on his shoulder. He look and saw the blue devil fall asleep peacefully with his head rested on Shadow's shoulder.

Shadow just stayed quiet and still without waking the blue devil from its slumber. He decided to maybe pet sonic's quills just for awhile, he hesitated for a minute but he do it anyways.

A gloved hand start to stroke the blue ocean coloured quills of the sleeping mobian. Shadow's strokes were gentle as he was handling sonic like he was a princess or prince. He wanted to be like in this situation forever without end.

Pink eyes watching the slumber hedgehog that was resting against the ebony's body. Pink eyes admiring the peacefulness plastered on Sonic's face, while he listened to sonic's soft purrs as he was being stroke and petted by Shadow's gloved hand.

Shadow continued to admire and watch over Sonic being so peaceful and so pure in his slumber. Doesn't want to disturb this angel sleeping. Shadow then moved his hand down slowly before placing it on Sonic's right cheek and start gently stroking the peach coloured muzzle with such care. Then he saw a small smile formed on Sonic's face.

A heartbeat start to beat slightly faster without end watching the angel right beside him sleeping so peacefully. As his hand stroke the blue hedgehog's cheek. Pink eyes continued to admire the blue hedgehog with such love, so much love that couldn't be explained or described.

"I swear.....your gonna be the death of" his whisper was placed next to sonic's ear ever so slightly making sonic's left ear twitch and flicker.

Shadow's pink eyes still focused on the blue hedgehog who is still in his peaceful slumber. It feels like a addiction that will never fade away but only to grow and grow even more as it feels so right to Shadow.

A addiction on keep the blue hedgehog for himself and nobody else, he swear to his life he'll kill anyone if they take sonic away from his hold. Shadow wants him, he needs him so much and desperately. He will do anything for Sonic even he will gamble others life for it, he will kill them just for Sonic just for him and only him.

With such a strong addiction that has buried deep down inside of Shadow's mind and heart, nothing will change his mind on keeping sonic for himself one day and will kill anyone getting so close to him. He just can't help it and he doesn't care if this addiction is unhealthy for his mental health, but yet it feels so right. It feels so right, so right to keep Sonic all for himself and his forever.

Pink eyes continued to admire the blue hedgehog who is still in peaceful slumber and who is softly purring as Shadow's gloved hand continued to stroke the peach muzzle of the slumbering hedgehog right beside him.

Before he soon joined the blue hedgehog's slumber, by resting his head against the back of the soft passenger seats as he slowly closed his eyes. As they all fell asleep waiting for a new day tomorrow.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟎𝟕.𝟑𝟎 𝐀.𝐌

The busses has already arrived to their assigned destination, at Emerald Paradise Resort the most 5 star hotel resort in all of Mobius. The students were at the parking lot of the resort as some students are very excited to be here, just like how certain two hedgehog's felt being at their destination.

"OMG! We're here! We're really here!" Silver cheered as he jumped up and down in such joy and excitement with his hands on the air.

"I know! I can't believe we're staying here! This is gonna be such an amazing trip!" Amy agreed on Silver as she herself was very happy and excited to be here, it's her dream to go to this paradise.

"Why should you be so excited it's just a hotel" Knuckles complain looking at the resort blankly not getting what so special about the hotel

"Oh it's very exciting you'll see Knuckles" Amy said as she cannot wait to go in there and have some fun.

Then the teacher informed them that they now can go inside the building before they can sorted the students to their assigned rooms. Shadow just look at the teachers blankly before heading into the building with the others, before he look at Sonic as his eyes turned pink for a flash second before turning back to ruby red.

𝐓𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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