You've Got a Friend in Me

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Both Muichiro and Yuichiro let out massive breaths of relief as soon as they reach the end of their street.

"That was shitty awful." Yuichiro scrunches up his nose. "And I'm literally born to cause chaos and destruction."

"Who do you think invited that tyrannosaurus?"

"Beats me." Yuichiro shrugs. "But that old fart could hear or see things normal people don't. He has his own ways." Muichiro clings to his brother's arm who thankfully did not shove it away. The euphoria of their solidarity against Michikatsu is keeping the older twin in a good mood.

"Don't take it to heart." They hear Tanjiro comforting Genya behind them. "He's always rude to everyone. There's nothing wrong with me tutoring you, okay?"

Muichiro glances at the two over his shoulder. Tanjiro was looking up at Genya, one hand resting on the taller boy's back.

Occasionally, he would lay his head on Genya's bicep while while the arm patting his back start rubbing soothing circles. Genya was only nodding along but Muichiro did not mistake the faint pink coloring both his cheeks.

Suppose he could let that be for now. Genya might be a daily eyesore and a human version of a pimple he'd like to pop but no one deserved to be dissed by an old man who smelled like socks.

God, it's so fucking shameful to be related to him. He almost wanted to apologize to Genya.

"So guys..." Muichiro eyeballs his three companions. "Wanna hit the arcade?"

Tanjiro's already beaming face lights up even more. "Yes, yes, please! Until closing time!" He enthusiastically cheers. Muichiro and Genya melt at boy's reaction.

Ugh, so adorable! It's rare to see him 'rebellious' like this.

Ever since losing their mother to sickness years ago, Tanjiro had to man up at such a young age for the sake of his siblings and his disabled father. He'd be the one to take care of their needs, would stay up late to do most of the housework so his siblings would be free of chores, be his father's all around assistant in their bakery, be the children's mentor...

The most admirable thing is that he does it all willingly, with love, and a smile on his face.

But why do both boys feel a little uneasy with that?

Muichiro's 'apology' to Genya turn out to be a large cup of watermelon-flavored soda. But there's no way he'd tell him that so he also bought his twin and Tanjiro their own drinks.

"Huh? How'd you know I like watermelon?" Genya raises what little eyebrow he had.

Muichiro glares at his watermelon-patterned backpack. "I don't."

The twins bought craptons of arcade tokens which they distributed fairly among the four of them and while Yuichiro and Tanjiro played just for fun, somehow, a competition had sparked between Muichiro and Genya.

For every use, the arcade machines will spit out a number of tickets depending on how well the player did. After the player is done for the day, the tickets collected will be counted at the Redemption Booth where it will be converted to points. Prizes can be attained through points.

More tickets, more points, bigger rewards.

There's this gigantic purple stuffed bear sitting on a shelf.

Coincidentally, both Muichiro and Genya wanted to get it for Tanjiro.

Great! There's gonna be a team up?

While that would probably be the faster and surer way to win the damn thing, remember that the boys are also fighting for their pride. (And still actually dislikes each other.)

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