Muichiro's Feelings

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"Hashtag watermelon sucks. Hashtag selfie. Hashtag my twin brother is in a mood."

"Stop it, Yui. Don't include me in the pic!" Muichiro throws his twin a sour look then hides his scowling face behind his science textbook. "Since when do you take selfies and post it on Fakebook? You're acting so out of character, it's creeping me out!"

Yuichiro rolls his eyes. His love for his twin brother's the only thing stopping him from chucking the oven toaster at his stupid head. "That's my line, nincompoop! You came home hours ago acting like a hoe with a premenstrual syndrome, and you wouldn't even tell us who beefed in your borscht?!"

Their father chose that very moment to enter the dining room.

"Language, Yuichiro!" Mr. Tokitou cries out, scandalized. The hell? Yuichiro literally screamed death threats at everyone last Saturday at the party.

"What?! You think 'borscht' is a swear word?!"

"It's not?"

"No! It's a Ukrainian soup!"

"Oh? Huh." Mr. Tokitou breathes out. Sometimes having a child who knows too much is scary. You never know when they're trippin. He clears his throat, "Well, today I learned! Haha! Now be a good boy and please help your mom with dinner, okay?"

Mr. Tokitou quietly gestures at Muichiro with his dark red eyes. The younger twin still has his nose behind his book, never once joining his brother and father's wack conversation.

The patriarch knows his eldest child is just trying to help, but still, he's just a teenager and the father got this feeling that this is gonna be one of the 'What is happening to me?' puberty talk.

"Right." Yuichiro noisily slurps the last of his watermelon smoothie.

As soon as Yuichiro stalks out of the dining room, Mr. Tokitou quietly drags his seat closer to his youngest son.

"Hey, bud." Mr. Tokitou sways on his side to bump his shoulder against Muichiro's.

"Mhmm." Muichiro acknowledges weakly. Mr. Tokitou sighs, gently laying a hand on the top of the book to urge his son to put it down.

Dejection is clearly and surprisingly painted on Muichiro's face which he quickly shifts into his normal blank look.

"You can talk to me, you know." Mr. Tokitou caresses his son's cheek with his fingers. "I can tell something's wrong. You don't have to tell me the whole thing if you don't want to, I just want my Bright Eyes Baby Boo to feel better."

Oh boy, the cringe. The cheese. Muichiro throws his father a look of something between disbelief and disgust before laying his head on the man's shoulder.

Mr. Tokitou strokes his son's head, running his fingers against his seaweed of a hair. From who did his sons get this? Tsk.

"I don't really understand what's wrong." Muichiro starts, because what else could go more badly than the abomination of a nickname his father had for him? "I'm used to people thinking that I'm kind of an ass and I don't really care about what they say about me because I don't really care about anyone besides Yui and Tanjiro." Muichiro puts it out bluntly. And....who else?

"But this afternoon, there's this uh, person. I'll be doing this person a huge favor but they don't seem happy or grateful about it. I don't understand why, uhm, why it doesn't feel....okay. Somehow."

"Muichiro." Mr. Tokitou maneuvers his son carefully so they could talk face to face. "Either it's your pride talking, do actually care for this person."

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