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Megumi awoke to his body aching, but he realized he was in his room. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, glancing around Abit."You're awake, good." He heard a familiar voice speak. He glanced to his side, seeing nobara with her head resting on his bed staring up at him."h.how long have i been out?" He asked his vocie slightly raspy. "Since yesterdays incident." Nobara said, sitting up."Where's yuji?" He asked "ooooo your on a first name basis. " Nobaras teased, but megumi was too tired to care about that."Where is he?" He asked agian Nobaras rolled her eyes."He's off getting food." She said, laying her head down again. After a few minutes of nobara talking at megumi, the door opened. Yuji walked in, holding a pizza with one hand and the other holding a bag of sodas. He used his foot to close the door before actually paying attention to the room."Megs, you're up!" Yuji cheerd rushing over to the bed where he sat the pizza and bag down and hugged megumi who didn't reject the gesture. Nobara, unamused by the boys, pulled the pizza off megumis lap and opened it, grabbing a slice.


Gojo was sitting on his bed, his leg shaking rapidly in anger."that stupid old bitch tried to kill my student". He mutterd more agitated his cursed enegery spiked but that slight change caught alota peoples attention. Soon after the spike there was a knock at the door."Satoru can i come in". Geto asked gojo stared at the door. "Yeah". He wasnt use to people checking on him when these anger spikes happend, people normally stayed away in fear but the spikes were also rare. Geto entered the room face scruched slightly in confusion as he closed the door."whats wrong?" Geto asked walking to gojo. Who looked away avoding eye contact."nothing".he mutterd."your lying and i know it." Geto said walking between gojos legs and lening to the side to see gojos face."and you don't have your blindfold on, doesn't that hurt." Geto questioned using his hands to cover gojos eyes."im use to it." Gojo said placing his hands over getos but making no effort to move them cause it was soothing his eyes."Please tell me whats wrong". Geto asked moving his hands to gojos cheeks."aren't you mad, i mean old man tried to kill yuji and the higer ups dont give two fucks!" Gojo yelled fustrated."ofcourse im mad, i almost kill that man, but i can't and won't and you don't need to work yourself up this badly over it, we won't let them kill anyone". Geto said moving his hands to pull gojos head to his chest. A warm feeling wrapped around getos body but he ignored it focusing on his best friends cursed energy as it calmed down. Gojo spoke but it was muffled by his face being in getos chest."what was that?" Geto asked leaning back."we should get married" gojo said getos face heated up."i keep telling you to stop saying that,plus were not even dating your skipping steps" .geto said stepping away from gojo."then date me" gojo said getos eyes widden."h..huh!" He said gojo stood up."You said we aren't dating and thats a step we need before marriage so date me suguru,be my boyfriend". Gojo said geto was shook."i..uh...woah". Geto couldn't find what to say."uhh o..okay yeah i'll be your boyfriend" suguru finally settled on his wording looking at gojo who smiled. Gojo hugged geto his arms around his waist as he lend down abit"may i" he asked geto nodded and there lips touched. It was a soft brief kiss."i love you, so much" gojo said placing his forehead against getos."i love you too." Geto said and smiled softly. "nowww can we get married". Gojo whined geto rolled his eyes pushing gojo away who dramatically fell on the bed."we've been together for less then a minute don't start". Geto said chuckling.

"KUGI" Yuji yelled running up to the girl who was just about to walk into her room."What?" She asked, already annoyed."i was wondering if you had a head band of any kind." Yuji asked nobara rasied an eyebrow. "Yeah, i have a few. Why?". She questioned."Megs needs one. He's been complaining about his hair growing too long, and he has no time for a haircut." Yuji explained that nobara nodded."That's actually really cute."she admitted."Huh?" Yuji tilted his head confused."Nothing, come on," she said, opening her door. yuji follwed in her room, which was decorated in a sorta pastel purple, and she had rows of shelves and dressof things."woah, how did you afford all of this?". He asked as nobara walked to one of the dressers and opened the draw, looking at her collection of headbands for her least favorite one."gojo," she said, pulling out a dark green headband with frog eyes attached as sorta"ears.". "Gojo sensei bought you all this?" He asked as nobara handed him the headband."Yeah, does he not buy you stuff, or is it that you just don't ask." Nobara questioned."I've never really asked." Yuji said, examining the headband."Well, im gonna go give this too him bye!."he said, leaving the room, closing the door behind him. Yuji returned to megumi, who was taking some pills."megs whats that?" Yuji questioned megumi jumped slightly."yuji, you scared me," he said. yuji apologized."There are just painkillers." Megumi answered, watching yuji close the door and trot over to him happily."What are you doing?" Megumi asked as yuji pulled him closer."You'll see." Yuji said, using his hand to brush megumis, surprisingly soft hair back, then slipped the headband on. Yuji stepped back, looking at megumi, who paused for a moment."You got me a headband, why?" Megumi asked."Because you said that your hair was bothering you and that you had no time to cut it." Yuji said Megumi stared at him for a moment."That's so cute." He thought he glanced to his side, mumbling a thank you.

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