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Megumi sat perched on a high bulding haven fought his way up there. Both he and his shikigami needed a break, and no curses were gonna get up that high anytime soon. "Where is everyone.." Megumi thought squinting his eyes to look at the horrendous city below him flames people running curses was all there was to see but not a single one of his friends or comrads were in the area in witch his eyes could see.

It all happened so suddenly, one minute he was holding yuji close. The next thing he and yuji were, begind dragged apart by some invisible force and sucked into some different place. For a few hours, Megumi tried to find him or someone, but this world was utterly huge, and megumi was being jumped by curses every two seconds.

Megumi sighed, pulling his phone out he realized he actually had a signal now. Immediately, he called yuji."We're sorry the phone you're trying to reach is not av-" Megumi hung up and scrolled through his contacts agian. "Answer, answer, answer." He mumbled with each contact he called."Salmon!" Inumaki answered Megumi felt relief."inumaki san, are you in the city!" Megumi asked."Salmon salmon." Inumkai answered."Great, that's great. Okay, look up, do you see a really tall bulding litterlay, the tallest here!" Megumi asked. There was a pause follwed by another affirming salmon."Okay, im there. Can you get to me?". Megumi asked."Roe." Inumkai said."Okay, I'll wait up he-" suddenly megumis phone was cut off a big."signal lost." He appeared on his screen, but that was okay he found someone. Megumi looked down to the bottom of the bulidng, looking all over, waiting for that fimliar off white hair to appear in his vision. after about 20 minutes, he heard a familiar scream."GET CRUSHED!" Inumaki yelled, then looked up."nue." Megumi said, doing the signs. The bird swooped down, grabbing Inumaki and landing on the roof before vanishing again. Megumi rushed to the older, who coughed up a bit of blood."How long have you been here?" Megumi asked Inumkai and held up a 4."hours?" Megumi added. Inumaki nodded."I've been here for 5, so that means everyone appears at different times." Where you with anyone when u were transported?" Megumi asked. Inumkai nodded."Who?" Megumi asked. inumkai held up his hand."N o b a r a". Inumaki signed out."nobara, did she get sucked in, too?" Megumi asked Inumaki shrugged."Did you see anyone?".megumi questioned inumaki nodded."g o j o." Inumkai signed."Really,  where is he?" Inumaki shrugged again. "I can't sense the others, only the thousands of curses." Megumi said. Inumaki nodded."Should we make a distress signal?". Inumkai signed Megumi was confused."What was that last part?" He asked."a distress signal." Inumkai signed agian megumi couldn't keep up."Help call." Inumaki signed differently."Help call?". Megumi said inumkai nodded. "Oh, i get what you mean, but how would we do that?" Megumi asked.

"N u e, lightning." Inumaki signed."That probably won't be big enough to see."Water?" Inumaki signed."Adding water would help...wheres water, tho?" Megumi thought. Inumkai trotted to the ledge, looking down, then around a bit."tuna." He called megumi and joined him. There was a small pond towards the middle of town. "That'll work, we have to be fast tho". Megumi said."Fly there?" Inumaki suggested."i would, but nue isn't all healed up yet, so it's best we let em save its strength for the lighting move." Megumi said inumkai nodded."Demon dogs," Megumi said, summoning the dogs."we'll use them." Megumi said inumaki got on the white demons' dogs back as megumi ran beside them. Inumaki took care of keeping curse away as megumi focused on keeping them in the right direction.

30 minutes earlier

Yuji was running through the streets, helping as many people as he could, but saving one resulted in another one dying, and yuji was losing it."i..i cant save all of them..." he thought as he fought curse after curse. Suddenly a curse appeared behind him as it was about to hit him it was blocked and cut in half. Yuji spun around. Looking up, he saw nanami."NANAMIN". Yuji cried out as he hugged nanami."Are you alright?" Nanami asked. yuji looked up and nodded."nanamin, you won't believe all that's happened to me!" Yuji cried, hugging nanami tightly, nanami returing the hug."shhhh, i know, and im sorry i didn't come check on you as soon as i heard." Nanami said yuji cried into his lower chest area."Let's get up somewhere high so we're not in danger, okay?" Nanami said yuji sniffled and nodded. The two climed the nearest bulding resting on the roof."How long have you been here?"nanami asked."Uh..about...4..h..hours" yuji hiccuped, nanami took his hand, wiping yujis face."Stop crying." Nanami spoke softly. yuji took a deep breath. After a minute or two, he stopped crying and calmed down."Did you find anyone else here?" Nanami asked as he looked over the edge of the bulding."No, i was sucked into this world with megumi, but when i opened my eyes, i was alone and couldn't find a single person." Yuji said nanmi nodded." I was dragged here mid conversation with gojo." Nanami said."So can we only be sucked here when we're in duos or something?" Yuji asked. nanami glanced to him."im not sure, but it would seem somewhat true." Nanami said, looking around."There are a lot of curse seeing non sourcers here
Too so." Nanami added yuji nodded."Maybe finding our comrades is the best way to start this." Nanamai suggested yuji nodded."okay". Suddenly, the sky erupted in a sorta purple flashing, and lightning filled it. Yujis head snapped over to where it came from. The bracelet on his wrist sent a sorta wave threw his body."Megumi.." he muttered.". Nanami looked at him."Who?" He asked, not hearing the name."Megumi, that's megumis nue technique." Yuji said nanmi looked in the direction the lightning dissapearing."That's in the middle of the town." Nanami thought."Then let's go." Nanami said.

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