Chapter 8

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The time passed by and it was so much fun. I shaped a lot. Had the Chance to travel a lot and gave a bunch of Interviews. But I also realized that the Contact with Mimi got less with every day. I bet She's working a lot too. I can't remember the last time hearing from her. It's been a while. Even tho we promised each other that this wont happen, it did. I still think of our times, they make me smile on my bad days. I decided to fulfill another dream of mine, and tried to join the British army. I hoped to pass the tests because a short while ago, i had a Car accident with some friends and the Army is really hard if it's about the Health. Maybe i will see Mimi somewhere in London, if She's still there. I trained. A lot. But still failed the Health test because of my concussion. I didn't know what to do. So i just startet writing. I startet it already on my travels and liked what i wrote, so i worked harder on it. With the hope to try it next year again, when my concussion is completely healed. I wrote, worked out a bit and go out with friends. What people my age do. I'm 18 so, she must be 21 now. It's August, and the Summer in London is quite beautiful, not as much, as in Tenerife but still good. As i walked down the Street i saw a Familiar head. Is it her? No this can't be. Still the Red Hair. Wearing some Ripped shorts and a White lose Tee. I couldn't hold myself but to call after her. „Mimi!?" The Woman stood still in shock and turned around. Her Hair flicked back. It grew. Her eyes widened. „T.J? Is that really you?" I nodded. I couldn't believe it. She's really standing there. A few steps away from me. Holding her Phone in her Hand, with her headphones looking like a mess. I smiled. I couldn't hold it back. She just started to run into my direction and I opened up my arms for her. She jumped right into them as I catched her, holding her by her thighs. „I missed you so much T.J." „I missed you too Mimi." People around us where looking but we didn't care. It's been way too long. I let her down and looked at her. She looks just like two years ago. „You are so much taller, and you cut your Hair. I like that on you." She smiled at me. I couldn't hold back mine. „And you let your Hair grow a little, and didn't aged a bit." I laughed at her. „I'll take it as a compliment." She laughed. „I wanted to get a coffee want to join me?" I asked her. „Well, as i just wanted to do the same. Why not!" Again we laughed. I missed her so much. With her, everything was so easy. Even after all this time it was like we never lost our Contact. Like we were still best Friends who talked every day. And i still have those feelings for her. The way her eyes shine when She's happy. No matter how many People I've met. I've never met a person so perfect. I never felt the way i felt for her. I could've dated a few girls already, but never wanted to. It was always her, who was on my mind. She never left me. She was always there. In my mind and my Heart. This time i will take my Chance. This time i will ask her for a Date. Maybe today. We arrived at the Coffee shop and ordered our Coffees. Then we took our seats. „Remembers me at Enzo's." I looked at her with a confused look. „Every time we went to Enzo's, we took a seat at the window." She smiled, remembering the old times. So did I. It was the Perfect time to ask her out. „Hey Mimi?" She looked at me, with her Beautiful smile covering her face. I smiled back at her, hoping She wont see that I'm quite nervous. „Would you like to go out with me?" I looked at her, hoping for an answer. Her eyes widened. „You mean like, a Date?" I nodded, not able to speak. „Yes, of course T.J. I would love to!" Now my eyes widened. Her smile got even wider. Seriously how is that even possible? She is so Beautiful. I smiled. „Well what do you think of tomorrow night? I'll catch you at 6 and Surprise you with a beautiful evening?" She still smiled. „I would Love that!" She grabbed my Hand over the small Table. My whole body shivered, it felt so right. She's the one i always wanted. And now I finally going to get my Chance. I couldn't stop smiling and so did She. We smiled at each other like we already were a couple. „So how's the Music going?" I asked her. „Really good. I have some Small jobs in Movies here and also on Theatres. It's really good. I also give some gigs from now to then which are most of the Time, sold out." She was so excited about it. And i was so proud of her. „And you? What are you doing here in London?" „I actually wanted to join the Army, but Failed because of an concussion had. I'm still shaping, and started to write a little. And maybe I'll try it again next year." „WOW, Maybe it was meant to be. You know? I mean if you would've joined the army, we both wouldn't be sitting here right now." She was right. I wouldn't be here. „Yeah... You're right." I laughed. Maybe all this was meant to be. Maybe all this was meant to happen. Like, the break between us. And that we meet again now. So we had time to grow. Time to realize how much we missed each other, till we see us again. „Sometimes life surprise us. Surprise us with People and we don't understand it at first, but then everything makes sense." I smiled at her. She was so right. „Yeah, that's so right." We both laughed and took the last sip of our coffee's. „You like to take a walk?" I nodded. „Let's walk to the Park, it's beautiful there at this time." We stood up and walked down the street. The Hyde Park wasn't that far. When we entered She did something that surprised me. She took off her Shoes. I smiled. „I like to feel the grass under my feet. Of course you have to be more careful here, it's not Tenerife but it's still a beautiful feeling. A friend showed me that." She smiled at me and I couldn't hold back a silent laugh. I took off my Shoes too and together we walked through the Park, feeling the Grass under our feet's. It was a great feeling. A feeling i missed. We walked next to each other, enjoying the London Sun on our Skin, when i suddenly felt her Hand taking mine. I looked down to her, just to see her looking up to me with a smile on her Face. Our fingers were intertwined and it felt wonderful. I never wanted to let go of her again. „I missed your tanned skin, your sweet smile and your beautiful Blue eyes T.J." Again she looked up to me with the sweetest smile on her face. I stopped and looked down into her Beautiful face. She took my other Hand too. „I missed your beautiful Eyes and that even more beautiful smile of yours too. I always thought of you. You lit up my darkest days." She smiled, then She let go of my Hands just to put hers around my neck. I got nervous. What is happening here? „I wished you already asked me out back then." She looked into my eyes. I laid my hands on her hips hugging her tightly. „I thought i was too young. I was 15. You just turned 19. And you had to go back." „I know, but now your here, with me, and thank god you asked me out." She whispered into my ear, still hugging me tightly. She was so small. Her Head laid on my Shoulder. We lose the tight hug and her face was so close to mine. Her cheeks touched mine. I looked into her eyes and also did She. Now our noses touched and i looked down to her lips. The lips i wanted to kiss already two years. Then i looked back into her eyes recognizing that She's looking at mine now. So i took everything i had and pulled her closer. She looked into my eyes for a second before She closed hers. I think that's the sign that She wants it too. I closed my eyes too and then our lips finally connected. It was the best feeling in the entire world. Everything inside of me was going Crazy. It was my first Kiss. And i had it with the Person i loved. Her lips felt so soft. She kissed me with so much love and it felt like it's her first kiss too. After a few Seconds we ended the Kiss and looked at each other. In her eyes, i saw pure Love. So much happiness, I can't even describe. But i bet that's what She's seeing in mine now too. No one of us is saying anything yet. We're just smiling at each other. Until i broke the silent with the most stupid joke ever. „The first kiss before the first Date is something new, but we know each other for so long, so i guess its okay." I smiled at her realizing how stupid i sound. She starts to laugh understanding me. „I waited so long for this to happen. You have no clue T.J. I've never kissed someone before." I smiled. It remembers me of myself. „Well, then welcome. Me neither. You were always on my mind. So i didn't even wanted to date anyone else than you." She smiled. „So T.J?" She looked up, right into my eyes. „Yes beauty?" „Do you want to be my Boyfriend?" Did She just asked me? „I would love to" I smiled and kissed her again, but this time as her boyfriend. I couldn't stop but smile into the Kiss. She really was mine now. I really got her. My Heart was beating so fast and everything in me was, I can't even describe the feeling. I'm the happiest guy in the Universe. I will keep her mine forever.

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