Chpater 11

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I sat there, crying, not knowing what's going on in there. Was She okay? Will She be fine? I laid my head in my Hands, trying to focus on my breath. I don't want to Panic. I can't. I need to be there when She comes back. When will someone come and tell me what's going on. Breath Tarek. Breath. She will be fine. I felt a Hand on my Shoulder. I looked up fast and saw the Nurse who told me She can't tell me, what's going on right now. „Hey boy, What's your name?" „It's Taz." I looked up to her, tears of fear still in my Eyes. „Taz listen, She will be fine. The shard stuck in an artery and caused severe bleeding. This in turn caused a lot of blood loss and that had to be compensated for. Something like that always has to happen quickly. In addition, your girlfriend has a rare blood type, which made the whole thing more complicated for us. She's fine now. She is stable and will be out of the operating room soon." I took a deep breath. „ Thank you." I stood up and hugged her. I couldn't stopped myself. I was so afraid. Thanks to her i know now what was going on and that Mimi will be fine. I was so scared of losing her. I prayed to God, that She will be fine and know She's going to. It felt like forever, but it was only 10 minutes until She finally was back. They brought her to the Room I was waiting and it was a horrible look. Seeing her like this, scared me. She was so pale. More than usually. Still it looks like She was sleeping. A regularly beep showed me that her Heart was still beating. „She will wake up within the next 30 minutes." The Nurse said and i nodded. I took her Hand and took a deep breath. She was fine. She's alive and will wake up again. Her Injured leg was elevated and bandaged. I hope She'll get well soon and I will be there for her no matter what. She would do the same for me. I felt her fingers slowly moving and instantly looked up to her face. „Hey, Mimi? I'm here." I stroke some of her Hair out of her Face. „T.J?" „Yes I'm here." „Water. Please." I looked around and saw a bottle of Water with a glass at the Side of her bed and poured her some in. I helped her getting up a bit and held her head while She was slowly drinking. „Better?" She slowly nodded. „Yes thank you." „I love you." That was all i could say. After the thought, that i might could lose her, i just wanted her to know that i love her. „I love you too. Have you cried?" I nodded. „Yes. The shard was stuck in an artery and caused severe bleeding. You lost a lot of blood and they had to call out for something that they call code red. I freaked out because no one could tell me what was going on. But after everything went well, the Nurse came and told me everything and that you were fine. I was so scared about you." The tears came back by the thought. She pulled me close and hugged me. „Oh my god. I'm here. I will not leave you that fast believe me. I love you. I love you so much." We kissed each other and i was so happy to have her back here with me. „Ms. Summer, We had some complications due to the Operation. But your foot will be fully healed within the next 4-6 weeks. You have to take it easy. Okay? Please visit your Doctor in a week to change the Bandage and to make sure the Wound is healing well. You look very strong already, that's a good sign. You had a high blood lost. We'll keep you here for the next two hours until we decide if you can go Home today or if you better stay the Night." She nodded and the Doctor left us alone again. „I hope i can leave." I laughed. Of course She wants to go home. „T.J?" I looked at her. „Yes?" „Would it be okay for you, if you stay at my place until I'm..." Before She finished what She wanted to say I interrupted her. „Of course. That's no problem. You would do the same." She smiled widely. What a day. „Who knows, maybe I'll stay forever." I said with a wink. Laughing. „Maybe. Who knows?" She said holding my Hand and smiling at me. My heart flutters. Did She really meant that? I mean why not? If it's working out, why shouldn't we try it? It would also be cheaper. The rent in London is so expensive. If we would move in together, we both would pay less then we already do. I smiled. „What where you thinking of?" She looked at me. „That we would pay way less if we would really move in together one day. And that there's no Person in the World i would love to live with, next to you." I smiled and so did She. We talked a lot. About our future. Moving in together. How it would be if we had a family one Day and even where we would spent our Honeymoon. It was so funny and yet we both knew that all this could possibly happen one day. I can't remember being this Happy. Next to the Day we became a couple. She is so Perfect in my eyes. She is the ONE for me. I don't want anyone else. I only want her. After a few hours the Doctor came back while we were laughing. „Ms. Summer? I just check on you before i let you go, but you look pretty good. I don't think we have to keep you here over night. And i think you'll be safe with this Young Man." He looked at me and smiled. „You two remember me of my Wife and me when we were that young." He smiled. „Okay, everything is fine. You can leave. I just finish the Letters and then you can go." We smiled. We were both Happy that She can leave. The Doctor was a nice one too. I looked at her, while She was looking out of the Window. God She is so beautiful. How can someone be so beautiful? Tell me. I startet to smile. I'm just so happy to call her mine. I will always keep her close. She turned around and smiled back at me. „What?" „I was just thinking of how lucky i am." I told her. She smiled even wider. „I Love You Tarek Yassin Skylar." She said while looking into my Eyes deeply. „I Love You too Emma Marie Summer." I said, looking back into her beautiful blue eyes, before I leaned in and kissed her gently and with all my love. Oh and how much i love her. When i sat back, the Doctor came back in and gave us the Letters so we can go. She was given crutches and then we left the Hospital. I helped her back in the Car and we drove to the Beach to pack our stuff and I was surprised that everything was still there. She sat there looking at me with a sad face. „What's wrong?" „I wish i could Help you." I stood up and walked towards her. „Your so cute." I kissed her nose and finished the rest. Then i put the Boards on the Car and helped her getting in it. „Well the Weekend was shorter than we actually planned but, we'll spent enough time together the next few weeks." I laughed. She hit my arm rolling her eyes. „Yeah but for that, i didn't had ruin my foot. You could've had that Time if you asked for it." She laughed and poked me in the side. „Hey, i have to drive" I laughed, and so we drove back Home after our first trip together. Today  i saw her cry for the first Time. Today we talked about our Future. Today we decided I'm going to move in with her. Only for a few weeks but if we liked it, it will be permanently. Today i nearly lost her. One Day. One Day and so many things have happened. And who knows, maybe one day her name will be, Emma Marie Skylar. But first lets see how we live together. I'm so excited.

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