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Elsa's POV
" so seeing, that I assume your Jack frost, right ? " I asked

" yep, that's me, but I never new someone else was like me " he said as he offered a hand

He helped me stand up and I thawed the ice I made as well as he did his. And I notice my necklace was still glowing, I pressed the snowflake and a hologram of Anna was in front of me. (A/N I finally found the word, hologram was the word I've been looking for )

" um, Elsa, you know Jack is right beside you?" Anna asked pointing at Jack

" yes, I know he's there " I replied

" I thought nobody aside from the group can know about the necklaces you made " Anna said

" your right but I, we, had a little incident. Jack here, is actually Jack Frost " I said

" what kind " she said weirded out

" I'll explain when we get to the hideout "

" ok, peace out " she said as the hologram disappeared and little snowflakes were falling and melted away.

Anna's POV

" ok, peace out " I said as the hologram disappeared and little flower petals fell to the floor and disappeared.

I wonder what little incident Elsa was talking about.

" hey Anna, is Elsa here yet ? " Merida asked as she entered our hideout with Hiccup

" nope but she's going to talk to us he's bringing - "

" who ? " Punzie asked as she sat down at the table

" she's bringing -"

" Jack ! " they all said at the same time cutting me off

" hey guys " Elsa said as she walked down the stairs

" what's up guys ? "

" nothing much, besides being cut off " I said. I was a tad mad that my friends cutting me off

" um Elsa, what's HE doing here ? " Hiccup asked.

" well you see, my necklace was glowing and um jack was with me so, I freaked out and I covered the necklace and started to walk backwards and bumped into a table. I accidently frost it. And walked the other direction backwards and tripped on my skateboard. I shot ice at the shelf behind Jack and that's all I saw. " Elsa explained

" before the shelf fell on me I, flew away from it as a reflex. And as I was flying away from the shelf that was on the floor, I hit the desk, and a big vase was there and I, um, froze it before it hit the floor. " Jack added

" at least that take cares of us investigating you, Jack " Punzie said

" what do you mean ? " Jack asked

" well, Jack we aren't really who we seem to be " Merida said

" Elsa " Hiccup said. I think I knew what they, we are going to do.

Elsa raised her hand, and ice swirls were coming towards Hiccup. When they reached him, his whole outfit, turned into what he could be wearing if, he was back at Berk.

" I'm, Hiccup Chief of Berk and our dragons " he said, then he whistled to call toothless. Toothless growled when he saw Jack. But Hiccup calmed him down, toothless not Jack.

ice swirls were now going towards Merida. Her green dress was forming, and her bow and arrows were behind her.

" I'm Princess Merida, of dunbroch. And I'm the best archer there " she said proudly and shot one of her arrows at the apple Punzie was eating. I saw Punzie get mad, and stood up, she knew it was her turn.

ice swirls went toward Punzie, her purple dress started to form. And her hair was getting longer every second. When it stopped, it was miles long.

" I'm Princess Rapunzel, From corona. I have magic healing hair that glows when I sing " she shyly said

yes! I'm next

Ice swirls were coming towards me. And the same dress I was wearing after Elsa opened the gates.

" I'm Princess Anna, of Arendelle. " I said

Elsa waved her hands around herself and her beautiful blue ice dress was on her

" and I'm Queen Elsa of Arendelle, Queen of Ice and snow " she proudly said

" well I'm Jack Frost " Jack said

we all, except Elsa, were shocked.

How's this chapter my little snowflakes? Hoped you liked it. So, don't forget to follow me, vote, and comment. And I'll see you, in the next chapter. Bye bye ❄

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