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so I really don't like, do in intro. But I just want to let you know that this is going to be a time skip, from last night all the way to the day of the competition. And I would like to say thank you to Jelsafan01 for that nice comment on the last chapter. So yeah, now on to the story. ❄

Elsa's POV

So today at night is the competition. I'm nervous. Even if I have already did this and by the fact of being a queen I do a lot of speeches.

But Jack is acting, strange. He kept on staring at me during first period. Does he like me? No, that's impossible. Is it?
I just tried to ignore it.

I'm in lunch right now.

" so Els, ready for tonight? " Anna asked

" sort of " I replied

" come on Elsa you are like amazing " Rapunzel said

" yeah that's true " Merida said

" so Hiccup, everything is fine with the projector for tonight? " I asked

" yeah " he said

" ok " I sighed

" is somthing wrong? " Jack asked

" yeah, why? Is something wrong. You know what I'll go to the auditorium and see if the preparations are perfect " I stood up

" you already went in the morning " Anna said, I was running towards the door

" double checking " I yelled as I was already opening the door

Anna's POV

" double checking " Elsa yelled as she was already opening the door. And she was gone

" somethings wrong with her " Merida said

" I wouldn't say something is wrong with her, I'll say she's worried about tonight " Rapunzel cut in

" I can call it however I want " Merida told her

They were arguing but I didn't really listen. I was just thinking of Kristoff. He's in Arendelle taking care of the kingdom. Elsa trained him to take care of a kingdom. I want to see him. And Sven. And Olaf.

I miss them.

Time skip, at night

Elsa's POV

" attention everyone, tonight we are here for a winter competition. Against Blake college and Riverside college. Blake college will go first in each round and Riverside college will go next. First there will be both singing two songs. Next a duet. And finally a solo. There will be tree judges judging the colleges and deciding the winner. " the host explained

Blake college went first they sang there two songs and then we went next. Our choir sang carol of the bells and winter magic.

Blake college is singing there duet now. I'm nervous!

Jacks POV

Blake college is singing now and I got dressed. I put on what she told me. I'm all formal. But not that formal. And... I found Elsa! She was peeking on the trough the curtains. She was wearing a beautiful dress. It was blue with some gold and red.

I tapped her shoulder and she turned around and smiled.

" I thought you said you weren't gonna wear that. " Elsa smirked

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