Chapter 2: The Speech

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"Hello, people of Montfort and Norta. Hello, people of the Lakelands and Piedmont. Of Tiraxes and the Prarie. Of Ciron. My name is Mare Barrow, as many of you know. The first time you all saw me, I was a Red servant, serving drinks to this one." I gestured to Evangeline, who gave me a friendly smile and a nod. She probably didn't like the reminder but knew to give a friendly face. Not for my sake, but for the world to see the contrast.

"I fell into an electric shield, and my power was unleashed for the first time. Tiberias the Sixth and Elara Merandus saw fit to disguise me in plain sight as Mareena Titanos, the lost daughter of House Titanos. Under threat of my family being killed, I obliged them. Maven Calore pretended to be an ally, both to me and the Scarlet Guard after I joined them. We plotted the downfall of the Nortan royalty and might have succeeded if not for his betrayal. Tiberias the Seventh and I were thrown into the Bowl of Bones to be executed.

"You were all told I used technology to pretend. Then, you saw me use my power without any technology. If only for a split second, you saw. Some of you realized, and some of you even grew hopeful.

"From there, I began looking for people like myself. Newbloods, or Ardents, as Montfort calls us. I rescued many. We raided a prison to free them. In that battle, I lost my brother, and my niece lost her father. Then, as we moved to save the Dagger Legion, a legion of children, I was captured. Maven Calore put me in a Silent Stone prison. He had me guarded by Arvens. Nortan silents. Whenever I left the cell, I was bound by Silent Stone shackles.

"Maven gave me a choice. Lie to Newbloods, and trick them into becoming his glorified slaves and weapons. Or tell the truth, and watch from my cell as Maven hunted and slaughtered every Newblood he could find alongside their families. Even the babies." I drew a breath, to steady my shaking voice. I looked to Farley, who gave an encouraging nod.

"I chose to lie. Perhaps, at least, it could give them a chance. He then paraded me around. To Newbloods, I was an encouraging sight. To Reds, I was proof that the Newbloods did not have their back. To the Silvers, I was proof that Silvers still reigned supreme. Until, of course, I was rescued by the combined efforts of the Scarlet Guard and Montfort. Since then, I worked to dismantle the Silver dominance alongside my allies. And we managed to convince Cal to abdicate his throne. Thanks to my allies, the Nortan States are being built." I said.

"These are not excuses. I led people astray. I am responsible for innocent deaths. Reds and Newbloods killed to get to me, or because I was made to lie. An old friend once told me I was a self-centered hypocrite. She said it without malice. As if it were a simple fact, not an insult. Since then, I have studied myself. Hard. I believe I have improved myself. My friends and family think so, at least." I say, looking at them. They all nod in agreement. "I have much to be proud of, yes. But I also have much to apologize for. And that is what I will do."

I take a knee, bowing to the entire room. The People's Gallery was caught off-guard by the display. A person in power, bowing to the people. It was unheard of, even in Montfort, but I realized it's how things should work. The people do not serve me. I serve them.

Even my family is shocked. They start talking, only for Gisa to hush them back into silence.

"I, Mare Barrow, humbly ask the people of the world for their forgiveness for my lies and mistakes. I am sorry for the damage I have caused." I say, waiting for their response.

Davidson responds, standing. "I, Premier Davidson, on behalf of Montfort, accept your apology and grant your forgiveness."

Then Cal. "I, Officer Calore of the Nortan States, on behalf of the Nortan States, accept your apology and grant your forgiveness."

Then Farley, behind me. "I, General Farley, on behalf of the Scarlet Guard, accept your apology and grant your forgiveness." They sit.

I wait a second, then rise. I square my shoulders, a heavy burden now lifted.

"Thank you. With that resolved, I have one more thing to say." I pause.

"I have addressed the people. Now, I address the royalty of the world. Rulers of the Lakelands, Piedmont, Tiraxes, Prarie, and Ciron.

"The tide shifts. The world has changed. You can change with it, or resist it. Either way, Reds and Ardents will be free. Resist it or not, the storm will rage! And when it is over, we will rise, red as the dawn!" I am practically shouting, pouring all of my passion into it.

"Rise, red as the dawn!" They all agreed. All of them. Montfortans, Nortans, and Guardsmen.

"I do not want more blood to spill, whether it's Red, Silver, or Ardent. But the price we pay for progress is decided by you, the Silvers of the world. And you set it high because you never thought we would rise to meet it. You didn't realize how valuable freedom is. How much we are willing to pay for it. And that will be your downfall if you do not give Reds their basic rights and dismantle your monarchies. And for Iris Cygnet, I say to you: this dog is no longer muzzled or chained. And my bark is far kinder than my bite." I finish, stepping back from the microphone. Applause thunders in the meeting hall.


"That was a damn good speech, Mare," Cal said, walking beside me.

"I would hope it was," I respond. "Considering I spent hours coming up with the words."

"Hours well spent." He said.

"True, but I could think of at least one way I would rather spend those hours." I smile, not daring to look at him. He was probably blushing.

"So can I." He says too quickly. I look, and he is staring ahead, not blushing at all. I stop walking.

"Have my charms lost their effect?" I ask, sounding slightly offended. He stops and turns to me, a smile tugging at his mouth.

"I have been known to have charms of my own, Miss Storm." I laugh at the nickname he came up with.

"Creative, but we should be careful. Propriety still matters, unfortunately."

"Propriety matters? Who are you, and what have you done with Mare Barrow?" Kilorn said, walking up to me.

"I pushed her onto an electric shield," I said with a shrug.

"I figured. She was clumsy." Kilorn said. I elbowed him in response.

"Well, we have a few hours. The transport doesn't leave until dawn." Cal said.

"A few hours. That does sound fun. But first, we should eat. I'm sure my brothers are starving as much as you, you bunch of brutes." I turn and wave my family over as we walk out. The sea of people part to let me and mine leave.


"I was thinking." I started.

"I didn't know you could," Gisa said with a smirk. Mother swatted her arm.

"Here in Montfort, a few old traditions remained. The one that interests me is House names. Even now, Montfort families act as units. Teams. They have insignias and mottos. They don't have much power in government, but they do have much social power. Best part? It's not just Silver houses anymore. One of the wealthiest Montfortan Houses is purely Red. Another has a few Newbloods."

"And you want to make us a House," Father concluded.

"House Barrow," I admitted. "We wouldn't be called lords or ladies. No servants, none of that crap. It would be little more than a title."

"It would also be an encouragement. Show Reds across the world that anything is possible. Even Red rats rising as a House." Gisa acknowledged my true goal.

"Yes, it would. Others will see me as a hypocrite. Claiming to side with Reds while keeping a Silver tradition." I said. I looked at Farley. "What do you think?"

She thought for a moment. "I think it's risky, but it could work." She said. "Go for it."

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